
  1. 那天恰逢我的生日,吃完早餐后全体工作人员为我唱了一首小夜曲。

    It happened to be my birthday , and after breakfast I was serenaded by the crew .

  2. 碰巧这是一首小夜曲。

    This happens to be a nocturne .

  3. 这位来自英国肯特郡的父亲今年50岁,他花了200多个小时学习唱歌,为的是在女儿娜塔莉的婚礼上为她献唱一首小夜曲,给她个惊喜。

    So the 50-year-old from Allington , Kent , spent 200 hours learning to sing so that he could surprise his daughter , Natalie , by serenading her on her wedding day .

  4. 一名当红雷盖乐歌手对着一个年轻的歌迷唱了一首小夜曲,这让她感到了前所未有的激动与兴奋。

    A top reggae singer gave a young fan the thrill of her life when he serenaded her .