
  1. 他是我一生中最爱的人。

    He was the love of my life .

  2. 你是我一生中最爱的人。

    You 're the love of my life .

  3. 生于1963年的苏哈·阿拉法特说她现在和女儿居住在突尼斯,而且没有结婚的计划,“亚瑟·阿拉法特是我一生中最爱的那个人,至死不渝”。

    Suha Arafat , who was born in1963 , said she was living in Tunis with her daughter and had no marriage plans . " Yasser Arafat is the love of my life and will be until I die ," she said .

  4. 我是鲁吉一生中的最爱。

    I was the great love of luigi 's life .

  5. 亲爱的,你是我一生中的最爱。

    Valentine , you are my greatest passion .

  6. 我一生中的最爱只有一个,不,不是钱宁·塔图姆(尽管出入不大!)。

    All my life , there has only been one great love for me . And no , it 's not Channing Tatum ( although he definitely comes close !) .

  7. 然后,她又这样描述了与她一同生活的丈夫&她一生的多数时光中最爱的人:“在我需要你时,你一直在那里支持我。”

    And then she writes about the husband she has lived with and loved most of her life : " Always there for me when I needed you . "