
  1. 我更愿意说,生活更多的是一种态度!“生如夏花”这是我的生活态度!

    I would like to say , life is more than an attitude !

  2. 生如夏花般灿烂,死如秋叶搬静美。

    Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and dead like autumn leaves .

  3. 曾经有一首歌,名字就叫《生如夏花》。

    There is a song , its name is – Life Likes Summer Flowers .

  4. 是起源于于泰戈尔的名句“生如夏花般灿烂、逝若秋叶般静美”。

    Grow like summer flower magnificently , die like autumn leaf quietly and beautifully !

  5. 请允许我以一首歌开始我的演讲,正如歌中所说,生如夏花般绚烂,但也如惊鸿般短暂。

    Please allow me to start my lecture with a song , just like what the song said , life like summer flowers , But it is as ephemeral as a meteor .

  6. 生如夏花,所以生活可以简单,也可以复杂;梦想可以雄心万丈,同样可以谨慎细微;而对于生命本身的态度,可以冷眼观世,就一样可以积极向上。

    Life can be simple , as it can be complicated ; dreams can be ambitious , as it can be practical ; and the spirit towards life can be critical , as it can be positive .

  7. 学校中生命教育课程的开设,以此作为学校教育的一部分,能使每个学生都学习到有关生死的内容,学会生死、感悟生死,使其生如夏花般绚烂,死如秋叶般静美。

    Life education curricula as a part of school education , every student can study the content of life and death , learning how to life and death , perception of life and death , to let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves .