
  1. 近代老学的道论继承了传统老学关于道先于万物、道生万物、道统万物等道论观。

    The road theory inherited the view that the road is earlier than myriad things , the road fresh myriad things , and orthodoxy myriad things and so on .

  2. 情具有化生万物的普遍性,它最重要的特性就是出乎真,具有不朽的精神属性,最终仍以儒家伦理教化为旨归。

    Sentiment is the universality of all , it is the most important characteristic is true , are immortal , and finally to attribute the Confucian ethic education for the purpose .

  3. 敬天、敬地、人会增智,天地人和而生万物的看法使游牧人民产生了三位思维,库伦思维和长生天思维等思维方法。

    Later the nomadic people developed the three-dimensional thinking , circularity thinking and longevity thinking model on the thought that all things were born on the basis of harmony of heaven , earth and people .

  4. 第二部分:主要探讨先秦以道家为主的道生万物及以儒家为主的天或天地生万物的两种生物产生说及有关派别和理论。

    The second part : mainly discussing the theories , the Taoism-led " Tao produces matters " and the confusion " Heaven or Heaven and earth produce matters " and some other factions and their theories .

  5. 摘要道教生命哲学以“道”为本源,认为“道生万物”,而人的个体生命与“道”之间是一种特殊与普遍、具体与抽象的关系。

    In the Taoist philosophy of life , Tao is the fountainhead of everything , and the relationship between human beings and Tao is that of the special and the universal , the concrete and the abstract .

  6. 五行代表或作用于人体器官,即火对心,木对肝,土对脾胃,金对肺,水对。肾。阴阳化合而生万物,太极则代表了阴阳调和。

    That is , the element of the fire corresponds to the heart , the wood to the liver , the earth to the spleen and the stomach , the metal to the lung and the water to the kidney .

  7. 第四部分:集中论述了先秦时代三种不同思想体系来源的生物保护思想,一是源自道家道生万物的生物保护思想:二是源自儒家天或天地生万物的生物保护思想;

    The fourth part : focusing on the bio-protectionism from the three different ideas during pre-Qin dynasty , one is from " Tao 's production of matters " Another is form the Confucian " Heaven or Heaven and earth " production of matters .

  8. 我是这么幸运的生在万物开始新鲜、美丽五月,这个月,气候温暖,百花盛开,大自然像花园一样到处开满了鲜花,充满了洁净的空气。

    In this month , the climate is warm , flowers are in full bloom , the nature like a garden filled with fresh flowers and air .

  9. 当道驰骋在阴阳之中时,则万物生焉,万物兴焉。

    When Tao gallops through and Yang , all things come into and thrive .