
  1. 宗教还注重另外一件事情就是去好好说话发言

    The other thing that religions are really aware of is : speak well

  2. 他是第一个好好说话的警察。

    He 's the first one with a badge to ever to ask nice .

  3. 来,艾维,好好说话&你不再是小孩了。

    Come on , evie , speak properly & you 're not a baby and more !

  4. 比特开启了众声喧哗的进程:我们原来鸦雀无声,一旦有些机会说话,谁都不会好好说话,只会聒噪。

    Bits have launched a process of rising cacophony : once we were completely silent , but with the first opportunity to speak , nobody is just talking , they 're shouting .

  5. 我们所有人最后这个晚上都想好好说说话。

    And everyone had all been pretty much talking last night .

  6. 他们为什么不好好想想再说话呢?

    Why can 't people think before they spew ?

  7. 你应该好好听我说话

    You should have listened to me !

  8. 当然,他们从不好好听人说话,而且往往会把成绩全部据为己有。

    Sure , they 're terrible listeners and apt to gobble up all the credit .