
hǎo tiān qì
  • fine;divine weather;fine weather
  1. 好天气会持续多久?

    How long will the fine weather hold ?

  2. 这个星期简直没有一个好天气。

    We 've had no fine weather at all this week .

  3. 我们原指望会有好天气。

    We 'd reckoned on having good weather .

  4. 这时的好天气和前几个星期的暴风雨形成鲜明的对比。

    The good weather was in stark contrast to the storms of previous weeks .

  5. 能带来粮食丰收的好天气应该可以让该国的缺粮状况得到缓解。

    Good weather leading to good grain harvests should win the country relief from food shortages .

  6. 灿烂的晚霞预示明天又是好天气。

    The splendid evening glow in the sky means another fine day tomorrow .

  7. 几个星期天都赶不上好天气。

    We have had poor weather these past few sundays .

  8. 男孩子们喜欢在好天气里野营。

    The boys like camping out in good weather .

  9. 今天将会是一个好天气。

    It is going to be a fine day .

  10. 我希望这好天气至少持续到他们到家。

    I hope the fine weather holds until they arrive home , at least .

  11. 这种好天气能持续多久?

    How long will this fine weather hold ?

  12. 昨天是个好天气。

    Yesterday was a beautiful day .

  13. 在好天气时,找一条安静的公园长凳。

    In good weather , look for a quiet park bench .

  14. 空气似乎被清洗过,让悉妮想起晴朗干爽适合晒衣服的好天气

    The air seems freshly laundered . Sydney thinks of good drying weather .

  15. 预示着好天气的晴朗蓝天

    a clear blue sky betokening a fine day

  16. 我们的大脑非常奇怪,它只会注意到自己身边没有的东西:账上没有的万贯家财、一心期盼的好天气、没到手的汽车。

    It ’ s a strange quirk of our minds , but we only ever notice what ’ s missing : the money we don ’ t have ; the weather we long for ; the car we don ’ t yet own .

  17. B是的,干燥而且阳光灿烂。是观光的好天气。

    Yes , it 's dry and sunny . A good day for sightseeing .

  18. fairweather晴朗天气,好天气他只是一个酒肉朋友而已。

    He 's just a fair-weather friend .

  19. 好天气里,北京空气中的微粒浓度相当于纽约的最差水平——在纽约,新的花旗自行车(CitiBikes)网络现在延伸到了曼哈顿中下城以及布鲁克林的部分地区;坏天气里,北京的微粒浓度是纽约的三倍。

    On a good day , the city 's particulate concentration level is equal to the worst of New York City , where the new network of Citi Bikes now stretches over lower - to mid-Manhattan and part of Brooklyn ; on a bad day , three times New York 's.

  20. “今天我们几乎能够知道我们期待的未来几天里是好天气或者暴风雪正在途中,”Quaranta说。

    " Today we can know pretty well that for the next few days we 're going to expect good weather or that there 's a storm on the way ," Quaranta said .

  21. 上月末,该国说话并不婉转的副总统优素福·卡拉(JusufKalla)重复了他今年早些时候的言论,声称对一年中其他11个月的好天气,邻国“应该感谢”印度尼西亚。

    Late last month , the country 's outspoken vice president , Jusuf Kalla , repeated a statement he made earlier in the year in which he said that neighboring countries " should be grateful " to Indonesia for the clean air they have the other 11 months of the year .

  22. 不过忘了它吧,想想这个好天气。

    But forget it , just think about this beautiful weather .

  23. 你认为这种好天气会保持下去吗?

    Do you think this fine weather has come to stay ?

  24. 我希望好天气可以维持到周末。

    I hope it keeps fine for a few more days .

  25. 我想今天应该会是好天气。

    I think it 's going to be a nice day .

  26. 无法保证明天将会有个好天气。

    There is no guarantee it will be nice weather tomorrow .

  27. 早晨的薄雾预示着一个好天气。

    There was an early-morning mist which presaged a fine day .

  28. 在中国大部分地方此时正是好天气。

    It 's fine in much of China at this moment .

  29. 我们能够指望这样的好天气再持续一段时间吗?

    Can we hope for a continuance of this fine weather ?

  30. 希望一整天都是好天气。

    Let 's hope it stay nice for the whole day .