
  1. 如果上天,真的让我离开这个世界,亲爱的,请好好活下去。

    If the god really take me away from the world .

  2. 好好活下去,这是决策底线。

    The bottom line of their decision was to survive .

  3. 她应该会希望我能够继续好好活下去

    I think she would have wanted me to live my life .

  4. 我希望他能靠一个肾好好活下去!

    I hope he survives with one kidney .

  5. 虽然今天在无数的眼泪中结束了,但对于明天,每个人仍然希望能好好活下去。

    Taday is over with a million tears still everyone has a wish to live .

  6. 热爱生命,无论遇到什么都一天天好好活下去。

    Love of life , no matter what have a good day by day to live .

  7. 这是为了防止你身边的人都离开的时候,你还可以好好活下去。

    This is to prevent the people around you are leaving , you can have a good life .

  8. 原谅并不代表忘却,而是拥抱生活带来的挑战,为了自己也为了逝去的人,好好活下去。

    ' Forgiveness does not mean to forget but rather embrace the challenge of living wholesomely for them both . '

  9. 你真觉得在我知道你为了我牺牲了这么多人命之后,还能好好活下去吗?

    Do you really think that I could go on living knowing that you sacrificed thousands more in my name ?

  10. “戈登弗里德兰德朋友和前总统21的全国雕塑协会雄辩地说明:”阿尔伯特的工作,会好好活下去,并能持久。

    Gordon Friedlander-friend and former21st president of the National sculpture society stated eloquently : Albert 's work will live on and will endure .

  11. 我会替你好好地活下去。

    I 'll live for you as well .