
  • Study hard;good good study
  1. 我要努力!好好学习,天天向上!

    Good good study , day day up !

  2. 好好学习,上课听讲。

    Good good study , class listening .

  3. 说句公道话,琳达努力规劝过约翰要好好学习。

    To give Linda her due , she had tried to encourage John in his school work .

  4. 好好学习,天天向上。

    Study well and make progress every day .

  5. 我们可以说Alex好好学习去获得好的成绩,然后用好成绩去申请大学。

    So to put our own words in the sentence we say Alex studies hard to get good grades with which to apply for university .

  6. 来自多伦多大学的加拿大人威廉,从没学过中文,但却经常接触中式英语。我的中国同学经常对我说‘Goodgoodstudy,daydayup’(好好学习天天向上)。

    Although William , a Canadian student of University of Toronto , hasn 't learned Chinese , he is often exposed to Chinglish My Chinese classmates often tell me to ' Good good study , day day up ' ( study hard and make progress every day ) .

  7. 你要想能够好好学习就需要一个安静的环境。

    You need a peaceful environment in order to study properly .

  8. 你得好好学习你的礼貌啊,伙计。

    You got to work on your bedside manner , dude .

  9. 他应为不好好学习,被他爸爸打屁股了。(帮忙修改)

    He was spanked by his father for not studying hard .

  10. 他在临终时还让我转告你们,一定要好好学习。

    He wanted me to convey that you must study hard .

  11. 我妈妈老是劝我要好好学习。

    My mother 's always preaching at me about studying harder .

  12. 毛爷爷说过:'好好学习,天天向上!'。

    Mao Grandfather said'Good Good Study , Day Day Up ! '

  13. 相互学习谈不上,是我跟你要好好学习学习,呵呵。

    Are you telling me not all lesbians look like us ?

  14. 你就应该埋头苦干好好学习啦,莫娜。“

    you have to buckle down and work harder Maura . "

  15. 我们有能力去学习,让我们好好学习。

    We have the ability to learn ; let us learn .

  16. 我料到我们是不会在那好好学习的。

    I kind of knew we weren 't going to study .

  17. 如果你好好学习,也许会大有前途。

    If you study hard , you could go far .

  18. 我要好好学习,以实现我的梦想。

    I am going to study hard , and fulfill my dream .

  19. 你们要好好学习,谨遵信守。

    Learn them and be sure that you obey them .

  20. 你根本就不想好好学习。

    You 're making no attempt at all to study .

  21. 你尤其要好好学习英语。

    You , in particular , should study english well .

  22. 你是时候好好学习礼仪了

    It 's time for you to earn your manners badge

  23. 老师嘱咐我好好学习、天天向上。

    The teacher advised me to study hard and make progress everyday .

  24. 你应该好好学习,象他一样考上大学。

    You ought to study hard to go to college like him .

  25. 中文,你通过了,好好学习。

    VO : no , you got a good mark .

  26. 我现在要好好学习并且广泛阐述给别人。

    I shall now study well and expound it widely to people .

  27. 我该记下来好好学习。

    I shouid 've recorded that stuff and study it .

  28. 为了更好的服务于人民,我好好学习。

    To serve the people well , I study hard .

  29. 我们一起好好学习,天天向上!

    Let us study hard and make progress every day !

  30. 他们只会简单地说,“在学校里要好好学习”。

    They simply say Stay in school and study hard .