
  • 网络Rhythmic beauty;rhythm value
  1. 而以阴阳上去入声划分平仄的音韵体系则展示了格律文学抑扬顿挫的音乐节奏美。

    The tonal pattern shows the beauty of music rhythm .

  2. 论英语课堂教学节奏美

    On the Beauty of Rhythm in Classroom English Teaching

  3. 论舞蹈语言的节奏美

    On the Rhythm Esthetic Feeling of Dance Languages

  4. 浅谈英汉翻译中的音韵和节奏美

    On Phonological and Rhythmical Esthetics in English-Chinese Translation

  5. 谈汉语言的节奏美

    On the Rhythm Beauty in Chinese Language

  6. 谈陶瓷艺术的节奏美

    On the aesthetic rhythm of ceramic art

  7. 武术套路运动节奏美刍议

    On the Beauty of Rhythm in Wushu

  8. 浅谈文学语言的节奏美

    Towards the Rhythmic Beauty of Literary Language

  9. 健美操运动中造型美、节奏美、气质美的艺术特征

    Artistic features of beauty of mould , beauty of rhythm and beauty of disposition in calisthenics

  10. 节奏美或不关,是由人的生理平衡机制、心理愉快机制决定的;

    Whether the rhythm is beautiful or not depends on peoples physiological balance system and psychological happy mechanism ;

  11. 通过不同的排列组合产生出各种不同类型的音乐之美,表现出丰富多变的节奏美。

    Through various permutations and combinations to produce different types of music , they reveal rich and varied rhythms .

  12. 武术运动中美学要素是多方面的,节奏美作为展示武术运动美的要素之一,对于武术运动美的表现起到非常重要的作用。

    The beauty of rhythm , as one aspect of showing the beauty of Wushu , plays great important role .

  13. 广告语言重视声、韵、调的配合,讲究语言的音律美和节奏美。

    Advertising language emphasizes the coordination of sound , rhyme and tone , and stresses beauty of temperament and rhythm of the language .

  14. 汉语文本体即汉语言文字的音乐美不仅存在,而且具有音韵美、节奏美、旋律美等特征。

    The musical beauty of the Chinese noumenon is characterized by beauty of rhyme , beauty of rhythm , and beauty of melody .

  15. 从音响节奏美、句式变换的画面节奏美两个方面入手,探讨培根的《论读书》其三个中译本翻译中节奏美传达的得与失。

    This article explores the transmission and loss of the beauty of rhythm from the levels of phonetics and syntax in three of its Chinese versions .

  16. 论小说叙事结构中的节奏美&以作品《红楼梦》的时间视角为例

    The rhythm of the novel narrates in the structure & Taking the works of A Dream in Red Mansions as an example on view of time

  17. 声音在文学作品中具有独特的审美价值,韵律美、节奏美、旋律美是声音的组合变化所产生的美。

    Sound also has its unique aesthetic value , for the beauty of rhyme , rhythm , and melody come from the combination and variation of sounds .

  18. 语言美离不开节奏美,文学语言的节奏是文学作品审美效果不可分割的一部分。

    The beauty of languages can 't do without rhythmic beauty , for the rhythm of literary language is an inseparable part of aesthetic effect for literary works .

  19. 语言的节奏美由语音层的音响美、意象层的画面美、语意层的情感运动美构成。

    The rhythmic beauty of languages is made up of acoustic beauty in phonetic layer , image beauty in imagery layer and beauty of emotional movement in semantic layer .

  20. 节奏美的艺术特征是主体的创造性、创造的动态性、时间的片断性、动作的对称性、节拍的变化性;

    The beauty of rhythm demonstrates creativity of the main body , motion of the creation , the incompletion of time , the symmetry of movement and the changes of metres .

  21. 通过对中国古典诗词原文与英译文的比较,探讨了英汉两种语言的节奏美、音韵美、意象美和文字美。

    By making a comparison of classical Chinese poetry between the original text and the translated text in English , this essay explores beauty of rhythm , rhyme , imagery and word in English and Chinese .

  22. 戏曲表演程式的一招一式不仅具有线条美和节奏美,而且它是有思想的、有感情的、也是有生命的。

    The drama performs the program every gesture and motions not only to have line US and rhythm US , moreover it has the thought that to have the sentiment , also to have the life .

  23. 对《归园田居》四个英译本的比较表明,古诗的翻译在传达原诗内容的同时,亦应兼顾原诗的形式以体现其音韵和节奏美。

    Comparison of the four versions of Tao Yuanming s Returning to My Farm shows that the form of the poem , reflecting the harmony of the melody and rhythm , is equally important with the content .

  24. 本文将从分析文学语言中平行修辞格的句法结构、语义特点出发,研究平行修辞格产生的均衡美、节奏美、意象美和气势美等美学特征。

    By analyzing the lexical structure and semantic characteristic of parallelism in literary language , this essay tends to show the beauty of balance , rhyme , imagery and style created by the figure of speech , parallelism .

  25. “形”的姿势美、节奏美、结构美创新是竞技武术套路发展的关键,是多角度反映“意”美的外部条件。

    The innovation of the posture , rhythmic and structural beauty of " form " is the key to the development of competitive Wushu routine and the external condition of reflecting the beauty of " meaning " from multi-angles .

  26. 可从语言美的角度来培养学生的学习兴趣,使学生感知英语的韵律美、节奏美,句子结构的平衡美,语言的意蕴美,以期提高学生的学习兴趣,进而提高学习效率。

    In this essay , the author will talk about the cultivating students ' interest by the beauty of the language and try to make the students sense the beautiful rhythm and the balance of the structure and it 's rich meaning in the hope of improving English education quality .

  27. 以东海渔歌为例,单就其言辞节奏韵律美的角度,能够欣赏其无穷的魅力。

    Taking the fishing songs in East China Sea for example , we can appreciate their endless glamour just from the rhythm and pace of their words .

  28. 全篇始终洋溢着浓郁而凝重、浑厚而深邃的历史氛围与情韵,极富典雅之美、通俗之美、悲怆之美和节奏之美。

    The book is full of heavy , simple and vigorous historical atmosphere and aroma that are rich in beauty of elegance , earthliness , sadness and rhythm .

  29. 最后,生命之火熄灭,一个人永远睡去,不再醒来。我们应该能够感受人生节奏之美,如同欣赏宏大的交响乐,我们能够欣赏它的主题,它的冲突段以及最后的和声。

    One should be able to sense the beauty of this rhythm of life , to appreciate , as we do in grand symphonies , its main theme , its strains of conflict and the final resolution .

  30. 从整体视角分析,菱形纹又包含了对称、均衡、对比、统一、节奏等形式美法则。

    From an overall perspective , Lozenge pattern and symmetry , contrast , unity , balance , rhythm , and other forms of beauty law .