
  1. 电影节将于十月举行。

    The film festival takes place in October .

  2. 本月的巴黎电影节将展映一些修复版的电影。

    Restored films are being showcased this month at a festival in Paris .

  3. 亚洲艺术音乐节将安排两天的现场表演。

    The Festival Of Asian Arts & Music will include two days of live performances .

  4. 在接下来的5节将探讨母亲怎样管教女儿。

    How mothers keep daughters under their sway is the subject of the next five sections .

  5. 戛纳电影节将于明日启幕。

    The Cannes Film Festival is going to open tomorrow .

  6. 本节将介绍在Power节点上设置一个新虚拟服务器的步骤。

    This section walks you through the steps of setting up a new virtual server on a Power node .

  7. 下一节将讨论如何将基于Java的配置与Web应用程序配合使用。

    The next section will discuss using Java based configuration with web application .

  8. 下一节将简要回顾XML数据管理方式。

    The XML data management choices are briefly reviewed in the next section .

  9. 本节将解释Signals视图。

    This section explains the Signals View .

  10. 本节将主要介绍使用ReportStudio创建和保存报告。

    This section will focus on reports that are created and saved using Report Studio .

  11. 解释按钮按下事件并将其映射到一个有效的资产STATUS(下一节将详细介绍)。

    Interpret the button press event and map it to a valid asset STATUS ( more on this in the next section ) .

  12. 接下来的几节将讨论在试图实现各成熟度等级的目标时,ProcessServer解决方案是何样子。

    The next few sections discuss what Process Server solutions might look like when trying to achieve the aims of each of the maturity levels .

  13. 接下来的几节将讨论不同的平台对DB2中的内存配置有何影响。

    The following sections discuss how different platforms affect memory configuration in DB2 .

  14. 下一节将详细介绍URL的配置。

    The next section goes into URL configuration in greater detail .

  15. 第二节将Ihuh引入浓度方程计算格式,构造了浓度方程的全离散格式。

    Into the computing scheme of the concentration equation to construct the fully-discrete scheme .

  16. 下一节将介绍用于构建和管理模板的Web用户界面。

    In the next section , we 'll take a look at the web user interface that is used to build and manage templates .

  17. 下一节将演示bean的生命周期回调和范围的实现。

    The next section will illustrate implementing lifecycle callbacks and scope of the bean .

  18. 本节将讨论为LotusConnections所使用数据正确创建索引的推荐步骤。

    This section discusses the recommended steps to index data used by Lotus Connections properly .

  19. 这一节将描述用来定制FTP的Java类。

    This section describes the Java class that you use to do custom FTP .

  20. 本节将提供用于恢复JSF表单数据的Java方法。

    This section presents the Java methods that are used to restore the data of the JSF form .

  21. 本节将介绍Linux中常用的3种虚拟化方法,以及它们相应的优缺点。

    This section introduces you to three of the most common methods of virtualization in Linux and identifies their relative strengths and weaknesses .

  22. 本节将介绍SAP负载测试中的一些常见问题,以及如何避免它们。

    This section describes some of the common problems with SAP load tests and how to avoid them .

  23. 本节将围绕这些功能构建一个简单的PHP应用程序,从而允许用户使用GoogleBaseDataAPI添加和删除事件清单。

    This section will build a simple PHP application around these functions , allowing users to add and delete event listings using the Google Base Data API .

  24. 记住所有这些优点,下一节将展示如何在体系结构中将无状态EJB组件公开为Web服务。

    With all of these advantages in mind , the following sections will show you how to expose stateless EJB components as web services in your architecture .

  25. 下一节将描述如何从STAB和DWARF部分中捕捉调试信息。

    The following section describes how the debug information can be captured from STAB and DWARF sections .

  26. 本节将介绍一些bash中的参数扩展。

    This section will introduce some of the parameter expansions that are available in bash .

  27. 本节将介绍创建一个虚拟系统模式并将它部署到您的IBMWorkloadDeployer中的步骤。

    This section describes the steps to create a virtual system pattern and deploy it in your IBM Workload Deployer .

  28. 本节将通过循序渐进的方式介绍一个特定贷款申请例子来演示示例程序的功能,以及ContentManager和ILOG之间的整合。

    This section steps through a specific loan application example to demonstrate the functionality of the sample program and the integration between Content Manager and ILOG .

  29. 这一节将解释如何将rope集成进Java应用程序,并比较rope与String和StringBuffer的性能。

    This section explains how to integrate ropes into a Java application and compares rope performance with that of String and StringBuffer .

  30. 下一节将讨论如何从命令行直接执行Derby脚本文件。

    The next section discusses how you can execute a Derby script file directly from a command line .