
jié shěng
  • save;conserve;economize;spare;cut down on;use sparingly;stint;scant
节省 [jié shěng]
  • [economize;save;spare] 把可以不耗费的减省下来

  • 节省图书费

节省[jié shěng]
  1. 企业信息系统基于WebServices进行开发,能够优化企业的资源使用、节省企业在电子信息化过程中的很多费用,也能给企业带来更多的商业利润。

    Enterprise information system based on Web Services will optimize the usage of enterprise resource , and economize expenses of enterprise informatization , and bring enterprise more commerce profit .

  2. 而且HP漂白方法可以在保持得率不致降至太低的基础上有效地提高纸浆白度,节省贵重漂剂H2O2用量。

    And HP bleaching may improve the pulp brightness and decrease the yield slightly , and economize expensive bleaching agent ( H2O2 ) .

  3. 我们没必要节省——再吃点!

    We don 't need to stint ourselves ─ have some more !

  4. 这个设计方案是为了尽可能节省空间。

    The design is intended to use space as economically as possible .

  5. 买三件,就能节省55便士。

    Buy three and make a saving of 55p .

  6. 我们坐出租车,好节省时间。

    We 'll take a cab to save time .

  7. 公司为节省资金遣散了150名工作人员。

    The company has laid off 150 workers in an effort to save money .

  8. 为节省资金,航天飞行计划已被束之高阁。

    The shuttle programme has now been mothballed to save money .

  9. 如果可储藏的地方有限,这些拉环式背包能节省很大空间。

    These zip-top bags are great space-savers if storage is limited .

  10. 通过关闭演播室和出售实况转播车将节省更多资金。

    More cash will be saved by shutting studios and selling outside-broadcast vehicles

  11. 他们将通过减少雇用兼职工人来节省开支。

    They will make economies by hiring fewer part-time workers .

  12. 始终购买可调温度的取暖器以节省使用成本。

    Always buy a heater with thermostat control to save on running costs .

  13. 我们借助风帆的动力航行,且关掉了发动机以节省燃油。

    We used sail power and turned the engine off to save our fuel

  14. 在经济衰退期间,培训预算被认为是一项可以节省下来的奢侈费用。

    During the recession , training budgets were seen as an expendable luxury .

  15. 我能够为你节省许多时间。

    I am in a position to save you a good deal of time .

  16. 我们应该通过充分利用其他能源来节省石油和天然气。

    We should conserve oil and gas by making full use of other energy sources

  17. 把厨房里常用的东西放在触手可及的地方能节省做饭时间。

    It saves time in the kitchen to have things you use a lot within reach

  18. 所有能够为公司节省开支、增加流动资金的办法都研究过了。

    Anything that could save the company money and perk up its cash flow was examined .

  19. 如更多的人骑自行车,英国一年能在道路交通上节省46亿英镑的开销。

    Britain could save £ 4.6 billion a year in road transport costs if more people cycled

  20. 甚至从小处节省下来的钱也能积少成多。

    Even small savings can add up

  21. 消费者联盟声称银行在坑骗客户,因为它们没有把从利率上节省下的钱拿来进行反馈。

    The Consumer Federation claims banks are ripping you off by not passing along savings on interest rates

  22. 这些土豆卖时已拣好洗净,对于赶时间做饭的人来说能节省很多时间。

    These potatoes are sold ready sorted and washed , and can prove a great time-saver for the busy cook

  23. 填写以下表格,全年订阅即可为您节省6.60英镑。

    Fill in the form below and you will be making a saving of £ 6.60 on a one-year subscription .

  24. 我发现我们能够做些节省,将节省下来的部分让利于顾客是正确的。

    I found we could make some saving and it is right to pass the savings on to the customer .

  25. 皮雷利声称,合并带来的协同作用将在未来4年内节省约1.3亿英镑的开支。

    The synergies gained from the merger , Pirelli claimed , would create savings of about £ 130m over four years .

  26. 使用空中救护车在医院间运送病人,他们为每个病人节省的费用可达15,000英镑。

    By using the air ambulance to transport patients between hospitals , they can save up to £ 15,000 per patient .

  27. 缝纫机会节省你很多时间。

    A sewing machine will save you much time .

  28. 节省时间就是延长生命。

    To save time is to lengthen life .

  29. 他不知道另一条路线是不是能节省更多的时间,但是他决定冒一下险。

    He was not sure if another route could save him more time , but he decided to chance it .

  30. 这项技术革新可以为我们节省大量的时间和劳力。

    This technical innovation will save us much time and labour .