
  1. 上海牌轿车热车不易起动的原因和解决方法

    The Cause and Method of Solving Hot-Start Difficulties of " Shanghai " Sedans

  2. 热车间内自然通风量的确定

    Determination of natural Ventilation Volume inside Hot workshop

  3. 上海牌轿车热车时,不易起动的毛病是众所周知的。

    The hot - start difficulties of " Shanghai " sedans are well known .

  4. 该公司的产品包括芭比娃娃签名和热车的车轮和火柴盒。

    The firm 's signature products include Barbie dolls and Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars .

  5. 而对于一些北方城市来说,冬季过于寒冷的时候则可以适当延长热车的时间。

    And to some northern cities , it is too cold in winter when may be extended appropriately hot car of time .

  6. 我听到有些丈夫会为他们的妻子奉上床边咖啡、在寒冷的早晨帮她们热车并且把最后一块巧克力留给她们。

    I heard from husbands who bring their wives coffee in bed , warm up the car on cold mornings and save her the last piece of chocolate .

  7. 经改进后,热车起动问题基本解决并可以节省燃油消耗。

    After redesign the preheating valve and install a carburetor with ventilation valve , the hot-start difficulties are solved , with an additional benefit of increasing fuel economy .

  8. 不要在阳光直射的环境下为你的爱车做粘土护理,或者在热车的状况下做粘土护理。做好粘土护理后,要做封釉?

    Try not to clay the car in direct sunlight or on a hot surface , and remember that paintwork needs to be sealed after claying , dont just leave it .

  9. 很多车主都有早晨热车的好习惯,不过一味地在原地等待车辆转速下降到正常值或是水温升至正常,这无异于在和自己的钱包过不去。

    Many owners have morning hot car , but the good habit of in situ blindly waiting vehicles speed down to normal temperature or to normal , it was in his wallet and pass .