
rè shuāi jiǎn
  • thermal decay
  1. 高密度磁盘的热衰减现象研究

    Thermal Decay on High Recording Density Disk

  2. 快速电子辐照F-40残存自由基热衰减的ESR研究

    ESR Study on thermal decay of radicals trapped in high-speed electron irradiated F-40

  3. 磁盘记录信号的热磁衰减现象的记录密度依赖性

    Bit Density Dependence of Thermal Relaxation of Recorded Signal on Hard Disk

  4. 管内自由衰减旋流阻力与换热的衰减特性

    Friction and Heat Transfer Decaying Characteristics of Free Decaying Swirl Flow in Pipe

  5. 本文通过计算机仿真与实验,研究了磁盘介质中记录信号的热磁衰减现象。

    In this paper , thermal relaxation in media was examined by simulation and experiments .

  6. 通过实验以及定量计算探讨了垂直二层膜介质由热磁衰减引起的输出信号衰减现象。

    Output decay by thermal relaxation in perpendicular double-layered media is studied by numerical calculation and experiments .

  7. 热中子衰减时间测井

    Thermal decay time log

  8. 无论在频率谱或温度谱上都出现了热弛豫衰减峰和Biot衰减峰。

    It is clear that thermal relaxation attenuation peak and Biot attenuation peak appear on both frequency and temperature domains .

  9. 在低压时,本构关系和屈服强度基本上控制了热激波的衰减规律。

    At low stress , the constitutive equations and yield strength will control thermal shock wave attenuation along the material thickness basically .

  10. 辐射固化树脂体系合成原理研究三维编织复合材料的热激波传播衰减特性

    Synthesis of Electron Beam Curing Resins Experimental Studies of Propagation and Attenuation Behavior of Thermal Shock Wave in 3-D Braided Composites Radiated by Pulsed Electron Beam with High Energy Fluences

  11. 中子星的热演化和磁衰减

    Thermal Evolution and Magnetic Field Decay of Neutron Stars

  12. 偏压热刺激表面电位衰减&测量陷阱参数的新方法

    Biased Thermally Stimulated Surface Potential Decay & A New Method to Measure the Dielectric Trap Parameters

  13. 介绍了声发射技术的基本原理,用声发射技术监测了莫来石&钛酸铝陶瓷材料急冷时热震损伤强度衰减及裂纹的扩展过程。

    The basic principles of acoustic emission technique was introduced . Thermal shock damage strength degrade and microcrack propagation in mullite aluminum titanate ceramic material during quenching in oil was monitored by appling the acoustic emission technique .

  14. 热激波在靶中的衰减与波的强度和脉冲宽度有关,对于强度相同的热激波,脉冲持续时间越短,热激波的衰减则越快;

    The shorter the duration of the stress wave , the more rapid the attenuation for the same initial pressure ;

  15. Cole-Cole分布系数βcole-cole是构建热弛豫模型的一个重要参数,它的取值对热弛豫衰减峰的大小以及峰宽有很大影响。

    Cole-Cole distribution coefficient β cole-cole is an important parameter for constructing the thermal relaxation model , and its value has a great influence on the thermal relaxation peak value and the peak width .