
fánɡ hù yī
  • Protective clothing;safety clothing
  1. 难道你不明白骑摩托车不穿防护衣有危险吗?

    Can 't you get it into your head that it is dangerous to ride a motorbike without wearing protective clothing ?

  2. 接触石棉的工人需穿防护衣。

    Workers who handle asbestos need to wear protective clothing .

  3. 他们需要穿上全身的防护衣。

    They have to cover themselves from head to toe .

  4. a这批拍卖的防护衣只可作非医护用途。

    A These coveralls are intended to be sold for non-clinical use .

  5. 防护衣:用于防护的一种到腰长的无袖衣服。

    A waist-length , sleeveless garment worn for protection .

  6. 劳动个体缺乏防护衣具和防护措施;

    Lack of personal protective clothings or measures ;

  7. 研究者还表示,这项技术也在防护衣的制作中也可以应用。

    The researchers believe the technology could also be used to create protective clothing .

  8. 实验室工作人员应穿防护衣。

    Lab workers should wear protective clothing .

  9. 应考虑穿上防护衣具。

    Protective clothing shall be considered .

  10. 他们还为养蜂人提供了防护衣和用来收集、包装蜂蜜的设备。

    They also brought protective clothes for the beekeepers and equipment to gather and package the honey .

  11. 你不遵守必须的安全规章,比如说穿着正确的防护衣。

    You don 't always observe the necessary safety regulations , such as wearing the correct protective clothing .

  12. 他们未曾接受魔鬼式训练,也未身穿传说中海军陆战队拥有的全金属防护衣。

    They are yet to undergo hell-like training tailored for Marines similar to that depicted in Full Metal Jacket .

  13. 工人们应该穿防护衣,用后消毒或抛弃。

    Workers should also wear protective clothing that can be either treated to kill germs or thrown away after use .

  14. 底米龙的密度虽与铅制防护衣几乎不相上下,却可轻易曲、弄皱与摺叠。

    Though nearly as dense as the material in lead-based shielding vestments , Demron readily bends , creases and folds .

  15. 实际上,当这些工人暴露在辐射下的时候,他们的防护衣并不能有效地阻止辐射。

    But that protective clothing isn 't very effective at actually stopping the radiation that these workers are being exposed to .

  16. 说到经典,一年以前,设计师们还迷恋防护衣,那是他们对一个缺乏确定性的地缘政治时刻所做出的反应。

    Speaking of classy , a year ago , designers were obsessed with protective clothing , their response to an uncertain geopolitical moment .

  17. 烟雾探测器、聚四氟乙烯不沾性涂料、无绳式电动工具,以及各种各样的防护衣,都是利用美国国家航空和航天局的技术开发而成的。

    Smoke detectors , Teflon non-stick coating , cordless power tools and a variety of protective clothing have all been developed using NASA technology .

  18. 按照规定,必须一直使用安全设备,并且必须按照指示穿上防护衣或装置。

    Safety equipment , as specified , must be used at all times , and special protective clothing or devices must be worn as directed .

  19. 为控制病毒的传播,人们被禁止进入村庄,医务人员用上了防护衣,医疗设备被仔细消毒。

    To contain the spread of the virus , people were restricted to villages . Medical workers were given protective clothing . Equipment was carefully disinfected .

  20. 将这些产品加工成手套、围裙及防护衣等对人们抵御热量的侵害具有很高的价值。

    They can be transformed by manufacturing into gloves , aprons and protective apparel , which are of high value for people being confronted with heat .

  21. 哪怕你只是想用泽猪皮给自己做件防护衣,就算这样的小事你也只能大失所望,无功而返,因为天晓得为什么,它们的皮又薄又容易漏。

    Even making yourself some protective clothing out of boghog skins was an exercise in disappointment and futility , since the skins were unaccountably thin and leaky .

  22. 实验室应有足够的防护衣、个人防护设备和操作规程以保护职员,且如果适用的话,避免试验操作受外界污染。

    Gowning worn , personal protective equipment and procedures used in laboratories must be adequate to protect the personnel and , where applicable , to protect the test operation from extraneous contamination .

  23. 顾客经由一个个灯光昏暗的通道,进入一个以修道士为主题的更衣室,他们在这里换上防护衣以免回家时身上散发出鸡尾酒的味道。

    Guests will descend through a series of dimly lit passages into a monastic-themed changing room , where they will robe up in protective clothing to prevent them from smelling like a cocktail when they go home .

  24. 他们添置了紧急储物柜,里面装满能长期保存的食物,并储存汽油、武器、甚至避孕套。有的人已找到秘密而偏僻的隐匿处,准备好在15分钟内可以逃走的拖车、核武器和化学武器防护衣、甚至还有可充气使用的独木舟。

    They have built emergency store cupboards filled with food with a long shelf life , are stock piling petrol , weapons , and even condoms , have secret remote hideaways , getaway trailers ready to escape in 15 minutes , nuclear and chemical weapon suits and even an inflatable canoe .

  25. 方法筛选并改进屏蔽材料,设计制造新型防护服样衣,进行防护效能测量评价实验。

    Methods Shield materials were selected and improved , and the new type of protective clothes was designed and made . The protection effect was measured and evaluated .

  26. 最好的治疗是限制使用刺激性物质,或者采用额外的防护,如穿防护衣。

    The best remedy is either to limit the use of the offending substance or to take extra precautions , like wearing protective clothing .