
  • 网络Smoke bay
  1. 建筑防烟分区合理挡烟垂壁高度探讨

    The discussion for reasonable height of smoke screen in the smoke zone of buildings

  2. 大型商场开敞空间防烟分区内烟气运动的模拟

    Simulation on Smoke Movement in the Smoke-Stop Zone of Open Style Space of Large Emporium

  3. 为实现风机的兼用,提出通过划分防烟分区,使排烟风量与通风风量保持一致的方法。

    Presents a method to make the smoke exhaust rate equal to the ventilation rate by smoke control zoning for the usage of the dual purpose fan .

  4. 结果表明在商场具有防烟分区和挡烟垂壁的条件下,在右侧墙处实施机械排烟比在顶棚处实施机械排烟可取得较好的排烟效果。

    For the underground shopping mall with ceiling partitions restricting smoke flow , the results indicate that the smoke extraction can be better achieved if the mechanical exhaust vents are located at the right-side wall than at the ceiling .