
  • 网络Explosion Proof;Explosion-Proof
  1. 爆炸性环境:必须选用相应防爆等级产品,露天安装或粉尘多场合应选用防水,防尘品种。

    Explosive environment : It is necessary to choose the appropriate level of explosion-proof products , open-air installation or dust should be used more occasions waterproof , dust-proof varieties .

  2. 生活楼西侧墙采用防爆防火墙和危险区隔开,其防爆等级待下阶段相关专业研究确定。

    The west side walls of the living building are isolated by explosion-proof wall from the dangerous area , and their explosion-proof grade will be determined through relevant professional research in next stage .

  3. 煤气加压站防爆等级的探讨与划分

    Discussion and Division of Explosion - proof Class of Gas Pressuring Station

  4. 隔爆型最高防爆等级,可在各种易燃易爆场所安全工作。

    Highest explosion-proof degree of explosion isolation , applicable for the safe operation in various inflammable and explosive locations .

  5. 介绍了石油化工装置爆炸危险区内暖通空调设备的防爆等级和防护等级的选型原则、防爆型暖通空调设备在石油化工行业中的应用情况以及国内防爆型通风空调设备的发展现状。

    Explosion-proof grade and the selection principle of heating and ventilating equipment in hazardous area are expounded together with the application of explosion-proof heating and ventilating equipment in petrochemical industry and its development in China .

  6. 现场仪表的防爆、防护等级应有权威机构的认可标准和认可证书。

    Explosion-proof rating and protection degree of field instruments shall be proved by approved standards and certificates of authority .

  7. 就地控制盘的选择应满足相关区域防爆、防护等级及其它有关规范要求。

    Selection of local control panels shall meet requirements of explosion-proof rating , protection degree and other relevant codes .

  8. 必须满足技术规格书对仪表防爆及防护等级的要求,并提供相应的质量证明文件。

    Explosion proof and protection class for instrument shall be met according to the requirements of Technical Specification , and relevant quality certificate documents shall be provided .

  9. 本论文以模糊数学理论为基础,运用模糊综合评价方法对烟草加工系统粉尘防爆安全总体水平进行模糊综合评价,得出粉尘防爆安全等级。

    In this paper , based on fuzzy mathematics theory , applying the method of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation into the safety assessment of the tobacco process system 's dust explosion prevention , getting its safety grade .

  10. 之后,将所研究的粉尘防爆安全评价方法应用于安徽中烟集团下属一个烟草加工系统,并采用安全等级特征量对模糊综合评价结果进行处理,得出了该系统的粉尘防爆安全等级。

    Then putting the above method into one of the tobacco process systems of Anhui Tobacco Group , its safety grade is acquired using the safety grade characteristic quantity .