
  • 网络external characteristic curve;performance contour curve
  1. 由弧焊发电机外特性曲线可知,改善第Ⅲ档的焊接动态特性,可以增加电弧弹性,使得焊接电流的偏移量减小,从而提高了功率因数。

    As seen from generator 's external characteristic curve , the power factor can be raised by improving the 3rd welding dynamic characterstics , to improve arc elasticity and reduce the deviant of welding current .

  2. 分析了示功特性和速度特性的设计要求,阐述了外特性各种阻尼力的影响因素和外特性曲线畸变的产生原因,同时提出了解决的方法。

    The paper analyses the design requirement for indicated work characteristics and speed characteristics , describes the influence factors on various damping forces of the external characteristic and the causes of the generation of external characteristic curve distortion and propose the solutions .

  3. 采用状态空间平均法建立了逆变器平均模型,获得了输出电压、滤波电感电流、共同导通时间、单极性SPWM波占空比等关键电路参数的设计准则和逆变器的外特性曲线。

    The design criterion of key circuit parameters , such as output voltage , filtering inductance , common conduction time , uni-polarity SPWM waveform 's duty cycle etc are obtained .

  4. 电阻焊机的外特性曲线与功率曲线的作图法

    Drawing method of exterior characteristic curve and power curve of resistance welding mahine

  5. 本文用载荷法设计了两种不同载荷分布的叶轮,测试了泵的外特性曲线和叶轮效率曲线,并计算了叶轮的速度分布。

    Two impellers are designed with different load distribution in 3B-33 type centrifugal pump .

  6. 浅析同步发电机外特性曲线

    A Discussion on Synchronous Generator External Characteristic

  7. 用C++Builder语言实现内燃机外特性曲线拟合

    Realization of drawing of full load speed characteristics curves for engine with C + + Builder

  8. 浅析变压器外特性曲线

    A Discussion on Transformer Exterior Characteristic

  9. 可视化编程技术在发动机外特性曲线绘制中的应用

    Application of Visualization Programing Technique in Drawing of Full load Speed Characteristics Curves for Automobile Engine

  10. 通过对不同外径下叶轮的数值模拟,得到了叶轮的外特性曲线以及内部流场;

    Through numerical simulation to impellers of different diameter , characteristic curve and inner flow field was acquired .

  11. 利用三级阻尼力控制的方法实现了以线性悬架系统优化设计的阻尼系数构成减振器的非线性外特性曲线。

    The method is implemented that using optimization design damp coefficient in linear suspension system constructs nonlinear velocity characteristic curve .

  12. 给出了异步发电机的端电压和定子频率随负载变化的曲线以及外特性曲线。

    The variations of terminal voltage and stator frequency with the load impedance and the load current are given out .

  13. 分析了电路参数对晶体管弧焊电源输出频率、电流波形、外特性曲线形状及晶体管工作状态的影响。

    An overview is given about the influences of circuit parameters on frequency of the power supply , current-curve , V-A-curve , as well as working conditions of the transistor power supply .

  14. 同时研究其发生和发展的条件,以及它对水泵外特性曲线、工作可靠性和对其寿命的影响。

    At the same time , the paper studies the conditions for cavitation occurrence and development and its influence for water pump 's outside characteristic curve , work reliability and working life .

  15. 介绍了电阻焊机的外特性曲线、电阻线、功率曲线等的作图法,它和大电流测量仪一起配合可测量电阻焊机多种技术参数。

    This paper introduces the drawing method of exterior characteristic curve , resistance curve , power curve of resistance welding machine , which can measure the parameters with high current measure instrument .

  16. 实验结果表明:所设计的弧焊电源系统工作稳定,焊接时飞溅小,实现了要求的平外特性曲线,满足焊接工艺的要求。

    The experiment result proves that the designed arc-welding inverter power supply works stably and has little spatter in welding process , it has realized the required constant output characteristic curve , and has accomplished the requirements of welding procedure .

  17. 利用减振器在悬架中的一般布置结构得到了开阀速度和最大开阀速度,从而得到了与该悬架匹配的减振器非线性外特性曲线。

    After the opening valve velocity and the max opening valve velocity was obtained according to the shock absorber in suspension structure arrangement , the nonlinear velocity curve of the shock absorber matching with the suspension structure can be obtained .

  18. 经实践证明,利用解析式作出的外特性曲线与发动机台架试验所给出的外特性曲线基本重合,从而为发动机选型提供了快速、简捷的方法。

    It has been proven through practice that the external characteristics curve by using the said expression and the one determined on test bench are basically in coincidence and thus a rapid and simple method is provided for the model selection of engine .

  19. 当电弧电压高于设定值时,通过焊接电源外特性曲线的转换,使电流从焊接电流跳变到较小电流,由此通知操作者去调节弧长,从而把电弧电压维持在设定值之下。

    When the arc voltage is higher than the given value , the welding current jumps to a less value by exchanging the external characteristic of welding power source . So the welder is advised to regulate the arc voltage below the given value .

  20. 深入研究了电流源高频交流环节AC/AC变换器的具有输入电压极性和工作模式选择的电压瞬时值反馈控制策略、稳态原理特性、以及关键电路参数设计准则,获得了变换器的外特性曲线。

    Control strategy with polarity selection of the input voltage and operation mode selection , steady principle characteristics , and design criteria of the key circuit parameters of the current mode AC / AC converters with high frequency ac link are deeply investigated . The output characteristic curve is given .

  21. 在虚拟样机中采用的不对称非线性迟滞环足由速度外特性试验曲线拟合而得,突破了常规减振器建模中的速度外特性不对称双线性化模型。

    Then it works out an unsymmetrical nonlinear hysteretic loop by curve fitting on WOT speed characteristics instead of the unsymmetrical double linear model used in conventional shock absorber modeling .

  22. 小口径高炮或多管火箭连续发射时弹的外弹道特性曲线的测试,对于研究和制定连射武器的精度、密集度等至关重要的效力指标有着极为重要的意义。

    Characteristic curves for the external ballistics of small caliber A / A guns or of ganged rockets when shooting continuously are of much significance regarding their accuracy , density of fire , etc.

  23. 通过对雪橇车行驶工况及动力性分析以及其发动机外特性试验曲线研究,确定整个传动系统所需的最大和最小速比的数学表达式。

    The mathematical expressions of maximum and minimum velocity ratio that the whole powertrain system requires are defined through the analysis of driving cycle and dynamic performance of sleigh car and the research of external characteristic curve of engine .

  24. 电控单体泵系统首先在油泵台架标定完成最基本的系统标定,然后在发动机台架上进行发动机外特性标定,也就是根据排放的优化值来选择外特性曲线上的最佳喷油提前角。

    The basic mapping of EUP system can be done on FIE test rig , while engine full load curve should be calibrated on engine test bench , which actually is to optimize injection timing according to emission performance .