
  1. 山东省利用外资与经济发展效应研究

    Research on the Relationship between Foreign Investment and Economy Growth of Shangdong Province

  2. 外资与经济发展理论综述

    Research on Foreign Capital and Economic Development Theory

  3. 本文在分析传统的外资与经济发展理论基础上,对适合我国的利用外资与经济发展理论进行了探讨。

    Based on analysing the traditional theory of foreign capital and economic development , this paper focuses to discuss the theory on utilizing foreign capital and economic development in China .

  4. 制造业外资聚集与区域经济发展研究产业集聚对外商直接投资影响的分析

    Research on Agglomeration of FDI in Manufacturing Industries and Regional Economy Development

  5. 四是将引进外资与常熟市经济可持续发展战略相结合。

    Combining absorbing foreign capital with sustainable development strategy of Changshu .