
  • 网络external financing;external finance;exogenous financing
  1. 在我国,以股权融资为支柱的外源融资已经成为上市公司的普遍融资方式,上市公司通过IPO、配股、增发等方式从二级市场中筹集资金已经成为惯有模式。

    In our country , as the pillar of equity financing external financing has become a common mode of financing of listed companies , listed companies through IPO , allotment , issuance and other ways to raise funds from the secondary market has become customary mode .

  2. 外源融资又可分为直接融资渠道和间接融资渠道。

    External financing can be divided into direct financing channels and indirect financing channels .

  3. 在外源融资中,债务融资又是主要的融资来源;

    In financing outside , debt financing is the main financingorigin ;

  4. 在我国现有的金融环境下,银行依然是中小企业外源融资的主要途径,因而本文以中小企业的银行信贷融资为研究范围。

    And so bank financing is the study object of this thesis .

  5. 浅析民营中小企业外源融资的困境及对策研究

    Private small and medium enterprise outer financing 's difficulty and countermeasure research

  6. 创业投资等外源融资方式尤为引人关注。

    Extrinsic source of venture capital financing is particular concern .

  7. 控制权视角下上市公司外源融资选择

    Perspective Control of Listed Companies Outside Source of Financing Choices

  8. 外源融资,是指企业从外部筹集资金的过程。

    Exogenous financing is the process that enterprise raises funds from outside .

  9. 现代融资方式主要分为外源融资与内源融资。

    Modern means of financing is divided into exogenous and endogenous financing financing .

  10. 内、外源融资与经济增长

    Endogenous Financing , Exogenous Financing and Economy Growth

  11. 网络对新创企业外源融资获取的影响研究

    Research on the Effect of Network on the External Financing Acquisition of New Venture

  12. 控制权视角下的外源融资选择理论和实证分析

    Theory of Outside Financing Selection and Its Empirical Analysis from the Perspective of Controlling Power

  13. 资本竞争时代我国中型房地产企业外源融资渠道分析

    Analysis of Financing Channels for Middle-Sized Real Estate Enterprises in Capital Competition Age in China

  14. 在外源融资结构中,存在明显的股权融资偏好;

    In the extraneous source financing structure , has obvious stockholder 's rights financing by chance ;

  15. 企业可以从两个渠道筹措资金,即内源融资和外源融资。

    Enterprises can raise funds from two sources , that is internal financing or external financing .

  16. 上市公司在不同时期选择的外源融资方式具有较强的倾向性。

    Listed companies show an obvious tendentiousness in selecting financing forms from external aids in different period .

  17. 在我国银行主导型的金融体制下,银行信贷融资是对中小企业有实质性影响的主要外源融资形式。

    Under Chinese bank-dominated financial system , bank loan is the primary form of SMEs external financing .

  18. 而这因素主要有两类,分别是内源融资因素和外源融资因素。

    Which factors are mainly two types , namely the financing of endogenous factors and exogenous financing factors ?

  19. 按照资金来源,融资主要可以分为内源融资和外源融资。

    According to sources of capital , financing can be divided into the internal financing and exogenous financing .

  20. 在外源融资中,股权融资所占比重又远远高于债权融资,即中国上市公司的融资顺序依次为股权融资、短期债务融资、长期债务融资和内源融资。

    Further more , the proportion of stock financing in external financing is even higher than that of debt financing .

  21. 由于内部融资的局限性,外源融资就成为了企业主要采用的融资方式。

    Due to the limitations of internal financing , external financing has become the main approach of enterprises seeking money .

  22. 但是外源融资困难却一直困扰着微小企业,使其发展潜力和速度受到严重制约。

    But the difficulty of obtaining external financing is always one of the problems that restrict the development of MSEs .

  23. 然而,中小企业外源融资约束却成为钳制其发展潜力和速度的主要掣肘。

    However , SMEs ' external financial constraint is one of the factors that prevent their potentials and speed for further development .

  24. 在市场经济条件下,中小企业获取资金的方式可分为内源融资和外源融资。

    Under the market economy , the finance of the small and medium enterprises is mainly the internal source capital and outside loans .

  25. 当前广东省中小企业的融资问题主要体现在内源融资能力和外源融资能力不足。

    Current financing problems of SMEs in Guangdong Province is mainly reflected a lack of financing capacity of endogenous and exogenous financing capacity .

  26. 外源融资是指企业利用外部资金来进行融资,主要有直接融资和间接融资两种方式。

    Foreign financing refers to the use of corporate funds to external financing , mainly in direct financing and indirect financing in two ways .

  27. 根据企业资金来源的不同,可以把企业融资分为内源融资与外源融资两大类。

    According to the sources of corporate funding , corporate finance can be divided into endogenous and exogenous financing two major types of financing .

  28. 外源融资是指农户通过一定方式吸收其他经济主体的闲置资金,投入到自己的生产生活当中。

    External financing means household absorbs some other economic entities ' idle funds in some way and puts it into their production and life .

  29. 而现行的外源融资制度中,资本市场缺少层次性,证券市场的筹资能力差。

    In the current extraneous source of financing system , capital market is lack of hierarchy and fund-raising capacity of security market is weak .

  30. 1990年以前京郊乡镇企业融资主要呈现出以外源融资和间接融资为主的特征,融资来源以金融机构贷款为主。

    Before 1990 , the feature of finance structure is indirect finance and exterior finance , and the main capital channel is loan from banks .