
  • 网络lengthwise outer wall
  1. 某工程外纵墙增设车库大门设计及施工方法

    Design And Construction Method Of Putting Up Carport Gate In Outer Vertical Wall

  2. 同时,针对该类房屋挑出一侧的楼层外纵墙与相应部位的底层外纵墙竖向不连续的问题,对房屋在地震作用下的受力性能进行了分析并提出了处理建议。

    The problem of vertically discontinuous exterior wall 's structural behavior subject to earthquake is also dressed and a suggestion is made for design reference .

  3. 带混凝土筒大开间砖混结构灵活住宅体系的特点是,每个单元有一个钢筋混凝土楼梯筒,分户横墙与外纵墙均采用组合砖墙砌体。

    The unique feature of the large bay flexible residential building is that : every unit itself consists of a reinforced concrete tube-stairway core body-with its repective composite wall with openings .

  4. 纵墙承重时外纵墙开裂性提高是由于砌体截面的垂直压应力对砌体抗剪强度的提高。

    The resistance of outer longitudinal walls to crack is enhanced when they are bearing walls , because the vertical compression stress acted on cross-sections of walls increases their resistance to shear .