
  • 网络foreign exchange swap;swap line;FX SWAP
  1. 远期掉期做市商是指在银行间远期、外汇掉期和货币掉期市场做市的银行。

    Forward-swap market makers are banks which provide market-making services in the inter-bank forward , foreign exchange swap and currency swap markets .

  2. 此外,韩国还可以动用与美国达成的300亿美元外汇掉期协议中剩余的130亿美元额度,以及与日本央行达成的200亿美元外汇掉期额度。

    On top of that , Korea can call on $ 13bn remaining from a $ 30bn US swap line and a further $ 20bn agreed with the Bank of Japan .

  3. 包括单纯远期及外汇掉期交易。

    Includes outright forwards and foreign exchange swaps .

  4. 是的,但还是外汇掉期业务市场也是其中之一。

    You are right . But we say swap market of foreign exchange is also one of them .

  5. 除此以外,还有一种选择是,这些银行能借入以本国货币计价的资金,然后利用外汇掉期交易来对冲汇兑风险。

    Alternatively , they can borrow in their native currency and then use foreign exchange swaps to hedge the currency risk .

  6. 美联储同其他中央银行签订的外汇掉期对于面临流动性银根紧缩国家的复兴同样重要;

    The Fed 's new swap lines with other central banks are an important reassurance for countries that face a liquidity squeeze ;

  7. 与此同时,预计中国人民银行将加紧其与国内银行极为慎重的外汇掉期交易即向国内银行提供美元资金,用于放贷或投资,无须使其承受汇率风险。

    The PBoC is meanwhile expected to step up its ultra-discreet foreign exchange swaps with local banks transactions that provide banks with dollars to lend or invest , without forcing them to take on foreign exchange risk .

  8. 现在,英国只需要一池深厚的人民币储备,向中国人民银行争取到慷慨的外汇掉期额度,一张诱人的人民币证券的列表,以及一个易于销售,引人注目且具有地方特色的名字。

    Now all it needs is a deep pool of yuan deposits , a generous swap line with the PBOC , an enticing menu of yuan securities , and a catchy , local name with which to market them .

  9. 原因之一是涉及中国的某些期货合约获得成功,如铁矿石掉期合约,它们得到中国贸易商(有很多落户新加坡)的广泛使用,以及上月推出的人民币外汇掉期合约。

    One reason is the success of certain futures contracts tied to China – such as iron ore swaps , which are widely used by Chinese traders , many based in Singapore – and of renminbi currency swaps , which were launched last month .