
  1. 第一,正确引导外资投向,为调整产业结构服务。

    First , correctly guiding overseas investment to serve industrial restructuring .

  2. 利用外资投向及规模研究

    On the Direction and Scale of Utilizing Foreign Investment

  3. 因此如何改善投资环境,吸引更多外资投向农业逐渐引起广泛关注。

    Thus how to improve FDI investment climate in agriculture of China has come to the agenda .

  4. 合理引导外资投向,优化利用外资的结构和地区布局。

    Properly guide the orientation of foreign investment and optimize the utilization of foreign funds in terms of their structure and geographical distribution .

  5. 从外部环境来看:外资投向不合理,加剧了我国地区结构和产业结构的失衡;跨国公司转移定价,减少了我国税收收入;存在环境污染;利用外资的质量不高。

    From the external environment : foreign investment is unreasonable adding structure and industrial structure of regional imbalances ; multinational transfer pricing to reduce tax revenue in China ; the existence of environmental pollution ; utilization of foreign capital is not high .

  6. 从理论和方法两个方面对利用外资投向的选择、利用外资规模的测算以及利用外国贷款合理规模的确定进行了初步探讨。

    The problems such as how to choose a right direction of utilizing foreign investment , how to calculate the scale of utilizing indirect investment , and how to determine the utilizing of foreign loan for its reasonable scale are generally discussed here .

  7. 我们要制定明确的产业政策,引导外资投向,我们要加大引进外资的力度,尤其是鼓励外资对我国基础设施,基础工业和高新技术产业的投资。

    We should formulate well defined industrial policies to guide our orientation in foreign investment . We will increase our effort in intriducing foreign investment and in particular , encourage foreign investment in china 's infrastructure , basic industries and industries of high and new technology .

  8. 新政策陆续出台,表明中国将积极引导外资的投向,达到合理利用外资的目的。

    New policies being successively issued shows that China will actively lead the direction of foreign investment to reach the goal of reasonably utilizing foreign investment .

  9. 引导外资更多投向先进制造业、高新技术产业、节能环保产业、现代服务业和中西部地区。

    It will encourage more foreign investment in advanced manufacturing , new and high technologies , energy conservation , environmental protection , new service industries , and the central and western regions .

  10. 该理论框架紧紧围绕发展极理论为中心,根据我国西部地区实际情况选择出重点地区和优势产业分别作为区域发展极和产业发展极,引导外资重点投向这些地区和产业,使其优先发展。

    On the basis of the reality condition in west of China , it revolves around " growth pole " theory to select some important regions and industries being region growth poles and industry growth poles respectively .

  11. 但是,同时也存在着许多不容忽视的问题:引进外资的投向过分集中于简单制造业,造成利用产业结构不平衡;外资来源过分集中于亚洲,存在资金来源的不稳定隐患。

    But some problems come out also , they are : unbalanced industrial structure caused by excessively focused foreign direct investment on simple manufacturing . Risk of unstable investment sources because majority of foreign funds are from Asian countries and regions .

  12. 实施新修订的外商投资产业指导目录,引导外资更多投向先进制造业、高新技术产业、节能环保产业、现代服务业和中西部地区。

    We will implement the newly revised Proposed List of Industries for Foreign Investment , and encourage more foreign investment in advanced manufacturing , new and high technologies , energy conservation , environmental protection , new service industries , and the central and western regions .

  13. 要在科技、教育等领域扩大利用外资,还要鼓励外资投向环保、旅游业。

    Scientific , technological and educational sectors will expand foreign capital utilization . China also encourages foreign investment in environmental protection and tourism .

  14. 优化利用外资结构,鼓励外资投向高端制造业、高新技术产业、现代服务业、新能源和节能环保产业,鼓励跨国公司在华设立地区总部等各类功能性机构,鼓励中外企业加强研发合作。

    encourage more foreign investment in high-end manufacturing , new-and high-technology industries , modern service industries , and the new energy , energy-conservation and environmental protection industries ; encourage multinational corporations to set up regional headquarters and other functional agencies in China ;

  15. 水利利用外资应建立在充分利用内资的基础之上,将外资投向建设资金短缺的中西部地区和经济效益明显的水利项目上去。

    The foreign funds utilization should be operated based on the conditions of fully utilized domestic funds and invest foreign funds to the central and west regions of China where shortage of funds and water projects that have remarkable economic benefits .

  16. 因此,必须强化环境保护的利用外资政策导向,鼓励引入环境保护型的外资企业,鼓励外资投向高新技术、现代服务等环保产业,实现引进外资和保护环境的有机结合。

    Therefore , we must strengthen foreign investment policies of environmental protection-oriented , encourage introducing foreign enterprises of environmental protection-oriented , encourage foreign businessmen to invest in high-tech , modern service industries , and achieve the perfect integration of introducing foreign capital and protecting environment .

  17. 对如何利用外资发展林业经济、开拓新的引资渠道、选择合理的外资方式和外资投向等问题进行了讨论,认为这是新世纪林业发展的一个重要问题。

    At present , we must seize the opportunity to develop the forestry economy , and exploit the new channels to absorb foreign investment . The reasonable investment of foreign capital is a key problem in developing for forestry in the new century .

  18. 因此,湖州在一如既往地利用外资的同时,还应注意优化投资软环境,提高外资利用水平,积极引导外资投向不同的产业,提高外资的引进质量。

    This paper puts forward some suggestions on how to optimize the investment environment , to make full use of the foreign capital , and to improve the quality of foreign capital by actively guiding foreign investors to invest different industries .

  19. 讨论了利用外资按地区和行业投资导向规模的目标,进而建立了目标规划模型,并以中国的实际情况为案例,得出了我国利用外资投向规模的最优控制模型。

    This paper discusses the goal of using foreign capital and introduces the goal programming model , then takes China as case .