
  1. 提出了我国资源型城市产业转型升级中政府职能的运行机制。

    Proposing the government functions operating mechanism of in resource-based industry upgrading .

  2. 信贷市场阻力,产业转型升级和经济增长

    Credit Market Friction , Industrial Transferring and Economic Growth

  3. 这也是佛山传统产业转型升级的重要路径。

    This is the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries Foshan , an important path .

  4. 产业转型升级是我国十二五规划的重点问题。

    Industrial transformation and upgrading is the key problem of our country ' s12th five-year plan .

  5. 第二部分从理论上分析出口品技术含量的提升与产业转型升级之间的关联机制。

    The second part theoretically analyses the relationship between the improvement of export technology and industrial upgrading .

  6. 目前,旅游产业转型升级成为业内各界讨论的焦点。

    Nowadays , the transformation and upgrading of tourism industry has being the focus of the public discussion .

  7. 在此基础上,对湖州市如何实现产业转型升级提出了一些对策建议。

    Based on this , how to realize the industrial reforming promotion to Huzhou to put forward some countermeasure proposal .

  8. 因此,强化企业自主创新能力,加快产业转型升级迫在眉睫。

    Therefore , strengthening the capacity of independent innovation , accelerating the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing sector is urgent .

  9. 本文以长三角地区产业转型升级与对外贸易之间相互影响作用为研究对象。

    The object of this study is the industrial transformation and upgrading and foreign trade in the Yangtze River Delta region .

  10. 加强智能电网建设无疑是能源产业转型升级的一项重要内容。

    To Strengthen the building of Smart Grid is undoubtedly an important part of transformation and upgrading of the energy industry .

  11. 当前鄂尔多斯的发展已进入产业转型升级、加快发展方式转变的新阶段。

    The Erdos development has entered the industrial transformation and upgrading , to accelerate the transformation of development mode in the new stage .

  12. 作为正在处于产业转型升级阶段的浙江省,更是需要进行职业教育办学模式的改革与创新。

    In the time of industrial transformation and upgrading , Zhejiang province is in urgent demand of reforming the way of running vocational school .

  13. 该协会将规范全省动漫行业,精耕细作融入本土文化,力促动漫产业转型升级。

    The association will regulate the province 's animation industry , intensive integration into the local culture , the animation industry urged to upgrade .

  14. 如何才能让一个地区的低附加值产业转型升级成为高附加值产业,一直以来是各国经济学家们研究的主要内容。

    How to make a region of low value industrial transform into high value industry has been the main research content of most economists .

  15. 对服装区域品牌的研究,能够为品牌营销理论增添新的含义,为服装产业转型升级与可持续发展提供建设性意见。

    It can add new meaning to the brand marketing theory and provide constructive comments for the garment industry to upgrade and sustainable develop .

  16. 生产性服务业与制造业互动发展促进产业转型升级

    Reengineering & from Business Process Reengineering to Business Transformation ; Interactive Development of Productive Service and Manufacturing Industry to Improve the Transformation and Upgrading of Manufacturing Industry

  17. 目前,中国正处于产业转型升级的关键时刻,越来越多的企业在生产制造过程中正考虑使用工业机器人。

    At present , China is in the critical moment of the industrial transformation and more and more enterprises consider importing industrial robots in their production process .

  18. 宋显珠指出,硫化钠未来的发展,将纳入到一系列准入条件的管理之下,引导硫化钠产业转型升级。

    Song was beads that sodium sulfide future development will be incorporated into a range of access conditions under the management of lead sulfide industrial transformation and upgrading .

  19. 最后,本研究针对在国际金融危机深化,国内产业转型升级日趋紧迫的背景下,如何实现民营企业家相应的转型升级提出了若干政策建议。

    Finally , we aimed at how to tackle the international financial crisis , how to upgrade the domestic industry , and how to transform and upgrade the private entrepreneurs .

  20. 第六部分指出了新传播环境下云台山旅游产业转型升级所面临的挑战,并提出了应对策略。

    The sixth part points out challenges faced by Yuntai Mountain in the progress of tourism industry transformation and upgrading under the new communication environment , and puts forward the coping strategies .

  21. 我国目前正处于扩大内需、加快基础设施建设和产业转型升级的关键时期,对先进装备有着巨大的市场需求。

    China is currently in the critical period of boosting domestic demand , accelerating infrastructure construction , business restructuring and upgrading , so it has a huge market demand for the advanced equipments .

  22. 产业转型升级已成为十二五时期的主题,仍属于劳动密集型产业的建筑业也面临着一系列的转变。

    Industry transformation has been the main topic in the 12th Five-Year Plan . However , construction industry still belongs to labor concentrated model industry . It is also facing a series of change .

  23. 在旅游业蓬勃发展、产业转型升级和利用两个市场、两种资源的时代背景下,旅游服务出口已成为带动国民经济发展的重要引擎。

    Under the background of tourism great development , industry transition and upgrade in China , tourism service export will be one important engine to push tourism trade through utilizing two markets and two resources .

  24. 资源型城市产业转型升级是国内外普遍关注的重大理论问题和实践问题,随着资源型城市发展危机的出现,对资源型城市产业转型升级的研究也越来越受到重视。

    Upgrading resource-based city industry is the major theoretical issues and practical issues of common concern , with the resource-based urban development crisis , people pay more attention on the research of upgrading resource-based industry transformation .

  25. 产业转型升级是经济发展的一个必不可少的过程,它反映了经济结构的内部转变,是资源配置和产品附加值变动的体现。

    Industrial transformation and upgrading of economic development is an essential process , it reflects the economic structure of the internal transformation , is the allocation of resources and the value of the products change embodiment .

  26. 区域发展协调性进一步增强,中西部和东北地区主要经济指标增速高于全国平均水平,东部地区产业转型升级步伐加快。

    As a result , regional development became better balanced , major economic indicators rose faster in the central and western regions and northeast China than the national average , and the eastern region accelerated industrial transformation and upgrading .

  27. 北京大学国家发展研究院林毅夫表示,与其他高收入国家相比,中国因为有“后发优势”,所以在产业转型升级以及科技创新方面有很大的潜力。

    Justin Lin Yifu , professor at the National School of Development at Peking University , said high income countries , China has great potential to tap into in the area of industrial upgrading and technological innovation because of late-comer advantage .

  28. 从有利于增加税收收入视角,给出各个区域产业转型升级的选择路径:是投入固定资产,还是R&D,以及放弃投入,进入产业转移。

    From the perspective of increasing the tax revenue , it can be given the path selection of the various regional upgrading : investing in fixed assets , R & D , or going into the industrial transfer instead of investing .

  29. 接着阐述运用财税政策促进产业转型升级的国际经验与借鉴,分析国内外国家地区产业转型升级财税政策,得出相关经验和启示。

    Then elaborate use of fiscal and taxation policies to promote industrial restructuring and upgrading of international experience and learn from the analysis of industrial transformation and upgrading fiscal policies of countries and regions at home and abroad , to draw relevant experience and enlightenment .

  30. 第二步,提出一个税改政策设计:如果将各个税务分局所管辖区域,减少或增加的税收额,作为该区域产业转型升级的投入。

    The second step is to propose policy design of the tax reform : In the jurisdiction of each tax bureau , if use the reducing or increasing revenues of tax as the input of regional industrial transformation and upgrading , it can increase the tax revenue .