
  1. 针对连续重整反应器,分别采用改进算法的BP神经网络、PLS-BP神经网络和小波神经网络建立重整产品液收率软测量模型。

    Three soft sensing models based on improved BP artificial neural networks ( ANN ), PLS BP ANN and wavelet ANN respectively , have been established for liquid yield of reforming products .

  2. 重整产品液收率软测量

    Soft-sensing of Liquid Yield of Reforming Products

  3. 使用结果表明该模型可以实时准确预测重整产品液收率。

    Therefore , it has been put into use for continuous reforming reactor and the testing results indicate that the liquid yield can be predicted real time and correctly .

  4. 为了提高纯化效率,一些国家研究采取不用水洗和酸洗而用返回部分纯化的产品液来冲洗负载有机相的方法。萃取设备比较多的采用塔式设备。

    During scrubbing of loaded organic phase , the methods using partly returned product liquor were studied in some countries and columns were mainly used as extraction equipment so as to improve the purification efficiency .

  5. 对产品液相色谱及红外光谱的初步分析表明,在论文实验条件下超声波对原花青素结构和组成无明显影响。

    By comparing the results from the products ' high performance liquid chromatography and Infrared spectra with the control standard 's , it was found that ultrasound had no visible influence on proanthocyanidins ' structures and composition under the conditions of the experiment .

  6. 涉水产品浸泡液中微量元素的ICP-MS法测定

    Detection of Trace Elements in Soaking Water of Related Hygienic Safety Products for Drinking Water by ICP-MS

  7. 结论ICP-MS法分析涉水产品浸泡液中12种微量元素速度快,线性范围宽,精密度、准确度高。

    Conclusions ICP-MS is rapid , accurate and reliable for detecting 12 elements in soaking water of related hygienic safety products for drinking water .

  8. QSA醚化反应率高,产品糊液稳定;

    QSA has high etherification rate , the paste product is stable .

  9. 涉水产品浸泡液中15种元素的电感耦合等离子体质谱测定法

    Determination of 15 Elements in Drinking Water-Related Products Soak : Test With Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry

  10. 两种控制方法以塔顶产品的液相轻组分浓度为被控变量,回流比为控制量。

    In this paper , the controlled object is concentration of distillate , reflux ratio is selected as the manipulated variable .

  11. 正象在气相提取中那样,液相提取的第一步是调整钢瓶的方位,使可以接触产品的液相。

    Just as in vapor-phase removal , the first step in liquid-phase removal is to orient the package to gain access to the liquid phase .

  12. DHA甘油酯产品经高效液相色谱分离、红外光谱分析确证为甘油酯混合物,包括单甘油酯(MG),二甘油酯(DG)和三甘油酯(TG)3种形态。

    The DHA glyceride containing triglyceride , diglyceride and monoglyceride was identified by IR spectrum combining with separation of HPLC .

  13. 石油和相关产品。液压液耐磨性的测定。叶轮泵法。

    Petroleum and related products-Determination of anti-wear properties of hydraulic fluids-Vane pump method .

  14. 超分子化学&富电子对苯二酚聚醚链系列产品的高效液相色谱法分析

    Supramolecular Chemistry ── Reversed-Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Analysis of the Hydroquinone Polyether Chain Analogues

  15. 所得产品经高效液相色谱测定,白藜芦醇得率为0.186%,纯度大于96%。

    By HPLC , the yield of resveratrol was 0.186 % , the purity was > 96 % .

  16. 麻痹性贝毒毒素研究Ⅱ.麻痹性贝毒毒素纯化产品的高效液相色谱和质谱分析

    Study on paralytic shellfish posioning toxins ⅱ . analysis of purified paralytic shellfish posioning toxins by liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry

  17. 为确定各种聚合醇商业产品在钻井液中的准确加量及有效经济成本核算,测定商品中聚合醇有效含量已是当务之急。

    It is imperative to measure the effective composition of commercial poly-alcohols for determining the exact concentration of polyalcohol in drilling fluid and actual cost .

  18. 研究了硫酸法生产钛白粉中间产品浓钛液中镁离子的检测方法,建立了稳定、准确的测量体系。

    A determination method of magnesium ions in concentrated metatitanic acid solution , an intermediate during production of sulfate process titanium dioxide , has been developed .

  19. 实验结果表明:合成产品在酸液中具有较好的增粘性能,且在高温和高剪切速率的实验中表现出了良好的稳定性,缓速性能比较理想。

    The experimental results suggest that the co-polymer in the acid solution shows good properties in thermal stability , resisting salts , and compatibility , retarding and corrosion inhibition performance .

  20. 认为:控制碱性锌锰电池漏液,重点要从零配件尺寸、锌粉的析气量、工艺控制和封口胶配方等多方面入手,才能使产品的漏液率控制在正常范围之内。

    It showed that : the keystone of controling leakage were the size of component parts 、 gas evalution of Zn powder 、 technology control and sealant formula , so that the rate of leakage may be controled at normal level .

  21. 根据市场研究机构欧睿国际(EuromonitorInternational)的数据,去年,北美人还花了6300万美元购买各类家用清除耳垢产品,从滴耳液到灌耳工具包,不一而足。

    North Americans also spent $ 63 million last year on home ear-cleaning products , from drops to irrigation kits , according to market research firm Euromonitor International .

  22. 运用气相色谱对苯酚的含量进行检测,产品组成由高效液相色谱(HPLC)进行测试。最后,研究了溶剂对产品异构体组成的影响,可用于合成不同品质要求的BPF。

    The amount of phenol was tested by GC and the content of product was test by HPLC . Finally , the effect of solvent to the product content was studied , to synthesize different quality of BPF .

  23. 甲醇胺化有关产品的汽-液平衡测定

    Measurement of Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Data for Products in Methanol Amination

  24. 所得产品蜂蛋白质粉液提取率42.03%,纯度为61.22%。

    Is 42.03 % and the purity of protein recovery is 61.22 % .

  25. 热解产品(气、液、固)可作为很有价值的工业燃料或原料。

    Pyrolysis products from a FB pyrolyzer can be utilized as high quality fuel or chemical feedstocks .

  26. 本实验还设计了产品及废洗涤液中异丙醇回收的实验装置,具有很好的工业参考价值。

    The experiment also designes the pilot plant for recovery of isopropanol in the product and the spent scrubbing solution , which offers good industrial reference .

  27. 实验研究了热空气进口温度、进口流量和稀硫酸进口流量对浓缩产品(硫酸浓缩液)的浓度的影响。

    The experimental study is focused on the effects of inlet air temperature , air flux and liquid flux on the concentration of the concentrated sulfuric acid .

  28. 主要产品:清槽液、退膜液、消泡剂、绿油剥除剂、菲林清洁剂、洗网水、开油水、防白水;

    The main productions : Cleanout Solvent , defoamer , Soldermask Stripper , Film-stripper , the special cleaner for PCB screen cleaning , the Anti-Static film cleaner , Copper cleaner and so on .

  29. 近年来,随着太阳能电池及半导体行业的发展,作为硅片切割过程中必备产品之一的切割液,其需求量也呈持续上升趋势。

    In recent years , with the development of solar cells and semiconductor industry , the demand for one of the essential products of the cutting fluid in the wafer cutting has been increasing .

  30. 在化学镀镍过程中,镀层起泡的原因主要是镁合金产品表面在镀液中腐蚀造成的,因此需要控制好酸洗与活化工艺使镁合金基底表面有一层合适的保护膜。

    During electroless nickel plating , blisters on the chemical nickel coating are mainly produced by corrosion of the magnesium alloy surface in the plating bath . It is very important to control pickling and activation processes so that the surface of magnesium substrate has a suitable protective film .