
  • 网络release agent;Stripping agent;stripper
  1. 合理使用杀菌剥离剂降低新鲜水消耗

    Reasonable Use of Bactericide and Mud Stripper to Reduce Fresh Water Consumption

  2. 综述了沥青抗剥离剂的性能、制备方法、应用及研究进展。

    And the properties , preparation , application and development of anti stripping agent for asphalt are reviewed .

  3. 对模型中的Agent进行了功能层次划分,分析了各功能Agent及其相互关系。抗剥离剂作用原理与性能;

    The functional Agent and their relation are analyzed . the performance and functional mechanism of the antistripping agent .

  4. 介绍粘泥剥离剂的评价方法以及高效粘泥剥离剂QS-17在中试装置试验的情况和结果。

    Presents the appraisal method of the sludge strippers , as well as the testing and result of high efficiency sludge stripper QS-17 .

  5. 剥离剂的选择及乳液型剥离剂的应用

    Selection of release agent and application of emulsion type release agent

  6. TEPA/甲醛合成沥青抗剥离剂研究

    Research on synthesis of asphalt anti stripping agents from TEPA and formaldehyde

  7. 抗剥离剂作用原理与性能;

    The performance and functional mechanism of the antistripping agent .

  8. CE-04剥离剂在玻璃卡纸中的应用及评价

    Application and Evaluation of Release Agent Used in Cast Coated Paperboard Production

  9. 三乙烯四胺与甲醛合成沥青抗剥离剂研究

    Study on Synthesis of Asphalt Anti - stripping Agents from TETA and Formaldehyde

  10. 一种黏泥剥离剂评价方法的初步探讨

    Discussion of an evaluation method of biofilm strippers

  11. 胞外多聚物评价黏泥剥离剂方法的研究及评价

    The Study and Evaluation on the Method of Slime Remover Determined by Extracellular Polymer

  12. BF12卫生纸机剥离剂和黏合剂的应用

    Application of Release Agent and Creping Adhesive Agent in BF 12 Tissue Paper Machine

  13. 高效粘泥剥离剂的研制

    Development of high efficient adhesive mud remover

  14. 沥青抗剥离剂研究进展

    Recent advances in bituminous antistripping agent

  15. 为沥青抗剥离剂的评选提供一种定量、可靠的方法。

    The method provides a quantitative , reliable method for evaluation of asphalt anti stripping agents .

  16. 本文介绍了剥离剂的选择要求,类型和乳液型剥离剂与溶剂型剥离剂在使用和性能上的差别以及乳液型剥离剂的使用范围等。

    This paper introduces Selection and types of release agent difference between emulsion and solvent type , and use range of emulsion release agent .

  17. 讨论了交联剂、剥离剂对色粉软化点、熔体指数、粘流温度的影响;对着色剂对色粉荷电性能的影响及与树脂分子间的作用进行了分析。

    The mutual interaction among the lipid surfactant , polymethyl methacrylate , and inorganic solid particles in packaging thermal transfer process release agent was studied by measurement of centrifuge .

  18. 通过室内模拟试验来研究水位对沥青混合料水稳定性的影响,同时对掺加熟石灰抗剥离剂的改善效果加以评价。

    The effect of water on moisture stability of asphalt mixture was studied by simulated test in the laboratory , and the performance of asphalt mixture with hydrated lime additive was analyzed .

  19. 为了防止沥青与集料分离,提高路面质量,沥青中需添加抗剥离剂。

    It is made clear that the addition of anti stripping agent into asphalt is needed to prevent separation of asphalt from other components in order to improve the quality of pavement .

  20. 复合粘泥剥离杀菌剂的合成及其性能研究

    Research on the property and synthesis of compound adhesive mud remover and bactericide

  21. 剥离型压制去污剂研制与性能

    Development of Peeled-up Coating Contamination Solution and its Capability