
chǎn pǐn chū kǒu qǐ yè
  • export-oriented enterprise;production-for-export enterprise
  1. 笔者在中小型机电产品出口企业任职数年,先后从事过销售工作和营销策划工作,与公司高层和客户有较多的沟通。

    I held a post in the medium and small-scale electromechanical export-oriented enterprise for several years , was successively engaged in sale and marketing plan and work , have more communication with top management of the company and customer .

  2. 中国机电产品出口企业200强演义之风云2003

    2003 Top 200 Exporters of Machinery & Electronic Products in China

  3. 国家鼓励举办先进技术企业和产品出口企业。

    The State encourages the setting up of technologically advanced and export-oriented enterprises .

  4. 如何提升中国食品农产品出口企业的竞争优势

    Enterprises How to improve the competitive power of Chinese food farming product export corporations

  5. 信息技术提升农产品出口企业竞争优势的机制

    The mechanism analysis using information technology to promote the competitive predominance of primary products ' export enterprise

  6. 并通过典型企业的案例来说明临安市农产品出口企业竞争力的现状。

    And through a typical business case , it illustrates the competitiveness of agricultural products export enterprise status vividly .

  7. 出口退税政策调整对林产品出口企业的影响及对策分析&以竹制品出口企业为例

    Effects of the Export Rebates Policy on Enterprises of Forest Products and Countermeasures : Taking Enterprises of Bamboo Products for Example

  8. 高新技术企业、鼓励类外商投资企业、外商投资先进技术企业或者外商投资产品出口企业。

    High and new technology enterprise , encouraged foreign investment enterprise , foreign investment advanced technology enterprise or foreign investment export enterprise ;

  9. 目前我国有一半以上的机电产品出口企业受到技术性贸易壁垒的困扰,技术性贸易壁垒已成为我国机电产品扩大出口的主要障碍。

    Now technical barriers to trade has already become the main obstacle for the expansion on the export of electromechanical products in China .

  10. 第四,我国农产品出口企业竞争秩序混乱,以低价出口战略抢占市场,这容易引起两国之间的贸易摩擦。

    Fourth , the disordered competitive behavior of export enterprises with an export strategy of low prices could easily cause agricultural trade frictions .

  11. 再投资于产品出口企业或先进技术企业的,可以全部退还其再投资部分已纳的所得税税款;

    If the profit is invested to export-oriented enterprises or technologically advanced enterprises , all the income tax paid on the reinvested amount can be refunded .

  12. 通过这样的分析,帮助农产品出口企业更合理地确定信息技术的应用领域,更好地发挥信息技术在企业中的作用。

    By analyzing the above aspects , we can help enterprise confirm the applying scopes of information technology rationally and play a fully role in enterprise .

  13. 产品出口企业、技术先进企业、科研机构和符合国家产业政策的其他工业交通企业;

    Export-oriented enterprises , technologically advanced enterprises , scientific research institutions or the industrial traffic enterprises which are in accord with the state 's industrial policy .

  14. 但随着国内劳动力成本的提高、原材料价格的上涨、人民币价格的上涨、制鞋成本不断提高,鞋产品出口企业面临较大的困难。

    But along with the domestic labor costs , raw material prices , RMB price rise , manufacturing cost rises , footwear export enterprises are facing greater difficulties .

  15. 产品出口企业和先进技术企业的外国投资者,将其从企业分得的利润汇出境外时,免缴汇出额的所得税。

    When foreign investors with export-oriented enterprises and technologically advanced enterprises remit abroad profits gained from their enterprises , income tax of the remitted amount shall be exempted .

  16. 最后,根据分析结果并结合临安市农产品出口企业现存的不足提出提高企业竞争力的对策建议。

    Finally , by combining the results of the analysis and the existing shortage of agricultural products exporting enterprises , the paper put forward policy proposals to improve competitiveness of enterprises .

  17. 近年来,吉林省秉承着先天的比较优势,在各级政府和农产品出口企业的共同努力下,农产品出口实现快速增长。

    In recent years , with the collective efforts between government and export enterprises , JiLin province takes the comparative advantage and has made a great inprovement both in export quality and export scale .

  18. 因此,必须进一步优化宏观政策环境,创新保险服务模式,全面提升农产品出口企业的风险意识和管理水平。

    Therefore , certain measures must be adopted to further improve macro-political environment , innovate the servicing mode of credit insurance , and promote the sense of risks and managerial standard of agricultural products exporting enterprises .

  19. 本文以浙江省临安市农产品出口企业为研究对象,采用实证分析的方法,对临安市农产品出口企业的竞争力进行深入的研究。

    This paper takes agricultural products exporting enterprises in Lin ' an City , Zhejiang Province as a study subject . By using empirical analysis method , it researches competitiveness of agricultural products exporting enterprises in-depth .

  20. 这是因为,我们的研究对象是单个的企业处于完全竞争市场环境中的企业,卖方市场力量很小,农产品出口企业没有价格主导权。

    The assumption is based on the fact that we are studying a single exporter in a perfectly competitive market , where the buyer 's market has limited power and the exporter has no control on price .

  21. 以此作为本研究的基础和出发点,本文建议我国应该成立由农产品出口企业、相关各政府部门、以及广大生产农户组成的农产品出口贸易纠纷管理组织。

    With the above as the base , this dissertation holds that the " Disputes-Controlling Organization in the Agricultural Products Export " should be established by the agricultural export corporations , related governmental department and the immense farmers .

  22. 但同时也深受此次危机所带来的影响,我国很多水产品出口企业只做单一的产品以及出口单一的国家,而一旦受到金融危机等影响,就会使企业陷入困境。

    But at the same time also by the effects of the crisis , many Chinese export-oriented aquatic enterprise only do a single product or export to a single country , once influenced by the financial crisis , The enterprise will be in big trouble .

  23. 首先阐述了临安市农产品出口企业的发展历程和农产品出口的特点,继而在此基础之上,采用层次分析法构建出口企业评价的指标体系,对临安农产品出口企业的竞争力进行评价。

    Firstly , the paper describes the developing course and features of the enterprises . Then on this basis , it uses the analytic hierarchy process to build the evaluation index system of export enterprises for evaluating the competitiveness of agricultural products exporting enterprises in Lin ' an .

  24. 投资者并购省内产品出口国有企业,可优先赋予外贸经营权。

    For merger and acquisition of SOEs , the investors shall be given priority to operating right for foreign trade .

  25. 对己设立的鼓励类和某些限制类企业、外商投资研究开发中心和产品出口型企业进行技术改造。

    When a foreign investor invests in a research and development ( R & D ) center or in technical renovation of an export-oriented enterprise .

  26. 对外贸易经营者可以依法成立和参加进出口商会。投资者并购省内产品出口国有企业,可优先赋予外贸经营权。

    Foreign trade dealers may establish or join Chambers of Commerce for Importers and Exporters in accordance with law . 6 For merger and acquisition of SOEs , the investors shall be given priority to operating right for foreign trade .

  27. 产品出口时,企业应增填一份“出口退税货物专用报关单”。

    For export of products , the enterprise shall additionally complete a Special Customs Declaration Form for Export Tax Refund of Goods .

  28. 出口总额中机电产品出口占地方企业出口的59.8%,主要是电子及通信产品。

    Of the total volume of exports , the exports of electromechanical products accounted for 59.8 percent , which mainly included electronic and telecom products .

  29. 商务部、外交部关于印发《简化机电产品生产和出口企业人员出国(境)审批办法》的通知

    Circular of the Ministry of Commerce , the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People 's Republic of China , on Simplifying the Measures on Approving the Exit Procedures for Personnel of Enterprises Producing and Exporting Electro-mechanical Products

  30. 潍坊外贸食品进出口有限责任公司是大型农副产品综合加工出口企业(以下简称潍坊食品公司),对日本市场的出口额占出口总额的70%以上。

    Weifang foreign trade food Co. , Ltd ( herein after called " Weifang food company ") is a large-sized complex processing enterprise specializing in agricultural products and its associated products . Japan takes up over 70 % of the total export .