
  1. 作为物联网关键技术之一的RFID技术,近几年也受到了各国政府及IT研发人员的青睐。

    As one of the key technologies of Internet of Things , RFID technology has also been valued by governments and the IT staff in recent years .

  2. 物联网关键技术之一是实现物联网中各种嵌入式系统的互联。

    One of the key technologies of internet of things is the interconnection of kinds of embedded systems , including the connection to internet .

  3. RFID技术近年来取得快速发展,成为物联网的关键技术之一。

    RFID technology achieves rapid development in recent years and becomes one of the core technologies of Internet of Things .

  4. 作为物联网系统关键技术之一,RFID(无线射频识别技术)已被广泛应用于各种领域。

    As an important technology of the Internet of things , RFID ( Radio Frequency Identifier ) has been widely applied in various fields .

  5. RFID技术作为实现物联网的关键技术之一,是一种通过无线射频信号自动识别标签对象的识别技术。

    RFID technology is considered as one of the key technologies in the Internet of Things , is the automatic identification technology which uses radio frequency ( RF ) signal to uniquely identify the object attached to a RF tag .

  6. 针对老人监护问题本文旨在设计一种老人监护跟踪便携式终端,能够利用物联网的关键技术实现摔倒判断和心率异常判断,GPS定位跟踪,紧急情况短信通知家属及向监护中心报警。

    This paper aims to design an old monitoring and tracking portable terminal , able to take advantage of the key technology of Internet of things to realize fall down and heart rate abnormal judgment , GPS tracking , emergency SMS notification families and to the alarm monitoring center .

  7. 本文中还介绍了无线物联网技术的关键技术,包括RFID技术,定位技术,时间同步技术等工作原理。

    This article introduces the key technologies of wireless Internet of Things technologies , including RFID technology , location technology , time synchronization technology works .

  8. 文章首先介绍了物联网结构及其关键技术与典型应用,并引出当前物联网研究存在的智能空间方案设计、Agent与智能技术、新型人机交互技术、物联网新型应用等热点问题。

    On this thesis , it firstly introduces the structure and typical applications of Internet of Things to put emphasis on some hot spots like proposal of smart spaces , agent and intelligent technology , new human-machine interaction , and novel applications using Internet of Things .

  9. 物联网涉及的关键技术主要有:射频识别技术、无线传感网、嵌入式技术、纳米与微机电系统、分布式信息管理技术。

    The key technologies of The Internet of Things include : radio frequency identification technology , wireless sensor networks , embedded technology , nano-and micro-electromechanical systems , distributed information management technology .

  10. 分析了物联网研究中的关键技术,包括RFID技术、传感器网络与检测技术、智能技术和纳米技术;

    The key technologies of Internet of Things were analyzed , including RFID technology , sensor network and detection technology , intelligent technology and nano-technology .

  11. 随着网络技术飞速发展,已经从互联网时代进入物联网时代,因此物联网的关键技术也成为人们关注的焦点。

    With the rapid development of network technology , we have entered the era of Internet of Things from the Internet era , so the key technologies of Internet of Things become the focus of attention .

  12. 随着我国物联网产业化步伐的加快,作为物联网关键技术之一的无线传感器网络得到越来越深入的研究和应用。

    Nowadays , the industrialization of Internet of Things is growing rapidly . As one of the key technologies , wireless sensor network get more and more attention and application .

  13. 随着物联网技术的出现及不断发展,作为物联网感知层关键技术之一的无线传感器网络技术也受到越来越多的关注。

    With the appearance and continuous development of Internet of Things ( IoT ), Wireless Sensor Network ( WSN ), one of the key technologies in IoT , attracts more and more attention .

  14. 在该模型基础上结合物联网资源寻址应用,提出物联网资源寻址的应用结构模型,为物联网资源寻址关键技术的后续研究提供了理论模型。

    Based on the model , this paper further puts forward the application architecture model of the resource addressing in the IOT , which can provide the theory for the following research on the key technology of the resource addressing in the IOT . 3 .

  15. 物联网是近年来获得广泛关注的科技发展方向。传感技术和射频识别技术都是物联网应用中的关键技术。

    Internet of Things ( IoT ) is a goal of science and technology research which wins great attention in recent years . Sensing technology and radio-frequency identification are key technologies in the applications of IoT .

  16. 在物联网中要实现高效精确的寻址,必须为物品或者资源对象赋予一个唯一的标识,标识技术是物联网中一项关键技术,是资源寻址的基础。

    To achieve efficient and accurate addressing in the Internet of things , a unique identification must be given a unique identifier for the item or resource object . Identification technology is a key technology in the Internet of Things , which is the basis of the resource addressing .