
  1. 物业共用部位与设施之权属问题探析

    On Ownership of Commonly-Shared Sections and Facilities

  2. 据了解,小区内常见的物业共用部位维修工程,以及物业共用设施设备维修、更新、改造工程均可动用该资金。

    For maintenance of public parts and maintenance , renovation and transformation of public facilities and equipment of the properties , money can be applied for from the House Maintenance Fund .

  3. 住宅专项维修资金是指法律规定由业主交纳的,专项用于物业保修期满后物业共用部位、共用设施设备的维修和更新、改造的资金。

    Special residential maintenance fund is paid by the owner by law , which is particularly used for maintenance , renewal and restruction of the common parts and common facilities after the expiration of warranty .

  4. 物业治理条例的规定:第二十七条业主依法享有的物业共用部位、共用设施设备的所有权或者使用权,建设单位不得擅自处分。

    Of property regulation set : the property that the27th owner enjoys lawfully is common place , common the droit of facilities facilities or use , construction unit does not get disciplinary action of do sth without authorization .