
  1. 建筑区划内,规划用于停放汽车的车位、车库的归属,由当事人通过出售、附赠或者出租等方式约定。

    The ownership of the parking places and garages shall be agreed upon by the related parties in the manners of selling , complementary using or leasing , etc.

  2. 郑州市岩土体工程特征及建筑场地区划

    The Engineering Characteristic of Rock and Soil and the Construction Sites Division in Zhengzhou

  3. 实施该方法能全面反映不同建筑气候区划下住户能耗设备及能耗结构的特点。(3)对五大建筑气候区划下的各典型城市住宅建筑能耗进行了统一调查。

    Representative characteristics of energy consuming appliances and energy use structures of the five zones can be reflected by actualizing this methodology . ( 3 ) The investigations of residential energy use are carried out in the five architecture climate zones .

  4. 根据我国建筑热工气候区划下的气候、社会等条件以及供暖空调方式等特点,提出了住宅建筑能耗统计体系的框架。

    Presents the frame of an energy consumption statistical system , according to the characteristics of the climate and social conditions , and heating and air conditioning modes in the building climate divisions in China .

  5. 广东地域建筑的类型及其区划初探

    Study on the Types and the Division of Regional Architecture in Guangdong