
  1. 本文根据国际照明委员会(CIE)提出的照明节能措施,结合新的《建筑照明设计标准》,指出了开展建筑照明节能研究工作的几个有效方向。

    According to the CIE 's method for energy conservation of Lighting and Standard for lighting design of buildings , this paper points out the effective ways for energy conservation of building lighting .

  2. 实施绿色照明工程已列入国家十一五节能专项规划,《建筑照明设计标准》(GB50034-2004)已实施两年。

    The implementation of green lighting program had been listed in the energy efficiency part of " Eleventh Five-Year " Plan , and " Standard for lighting design of buildings " had been carried out for two years .

  3. 学校教室的采光照明问题是保护学生视力健康的重要部分。2004年我国重新修订了国家标准《建筑照明设计标准》GB50034-2004。

    The daylighting and lighting of classrooms are important elements to students ' eye health condition and the national standard , GB 50034-2004 , is revised in 2004 . This article investigates and analyse the daylighting and lighting conditions of some classrooms in Beijing .

  4. 基于建筑照明设计标准,以触摸屏为核心,设计了一整套照明节能方案。

    This paper provides the sample of factory lighting power saving design based on constructions lighting design standard .

  5. 从概述、编制过程、指导思想、编制主要依据、新标准的变化、预期达到的目标、实施效果等七个方面,论述了新编《建筑照明设计标准》(GB500342004)的编制情况及内容。

    This paper introduces compilation and contents of new standard for lighting design of buildings ( GB50034-2004 ) . It includes : summarizing , compiling process , the thought of guildline , main basis , variation of new standard , expection target for attaining , implementing results etc.

  6. 宣传贯彻《建筑照明设计标准》(GB500342004),指出目前照明节能存在的一些认识观念的问题,最后论述了直管荧光灯在实际应用中的几个问题。

    The paper aims at propagating and carrying out standard for lighting design of buildings ( GB50034 、 2004 ) . It points out some problems of understandings on lighting energy saving at present . A few issues of straight tube fluorescent lamp in application are discussed at last .