
  • 网络Architectural Heritage;built heritage;heritage architecture
  1. 沈阳工业建筑遗产的历史源头及其双重价值

    History Beginning of Shenyang Industrial Architectural Heritage and the Double Value

  2. 城市的环境改造与建筑遗产保护问题探讨

    Discussion on Problem of Urban Environment Reconstruction and Architectural Heritage Conservation

  3. 城市化进程中的地下建筑遗产探查和保护

    Exploration and Conservation of Underground Architectural Heritages in the Urbanization Process

  4. 浅析日本和我国近现代建筑遗产的保护制度

    On protection system modern architecture heritage of in Japan and China

  5. 军队建筑遗产的概念与价值构成探析

    Exploration on the Concept and Value Composition of Military Architectural Legacy

  6. 关于对殖民建筑遗产性的教学讨论

    On the Teaching Discussion of the Heritability of Colonial Buildings

  7. 且这些工业建筑遗产也面临着保护与更新的问题。

    These architectural heritages are facing the problem of conservation and renewal .

  8. 后工业时代中国产业类历史建筑遗产保护性再利用

    Protective Reuse of Chinese Industrial Historic Building Heritage in the Post-industrial Age

  9. 城市工业建筑遗产保护性再利用的模式探讨

    The investigation on protective reuse mode of urban-industry architectural heritage

  10. 房地产开发中建筑遗产保护与经济效益的矛盾

    Conflict between architectural heritage protection and economic profit in real estate development

  11. 建筑遗产保护规划编制体系中的技术问题研究

    Research on the Technique in the System of Plan-Making for Architecture Heritage Conservation

  12. 建筑遗产的环境设计研究

    Study on Design Related to Environment of Architectural Heritage

  13. 重庆旧工业建筑遗产保护与利用浅析

    Analysis of the Protection and Utilization of the Industrial Building Heritage in Chongqing

  14. 浅谈徐州市区现存建筑遗产的分类与保护

    Brief Introduction to Classification and Preservation of Existing Architectural Heritages in Urban Xuzhou

  15. 近年来,国家对历史城区建筑遗产给予了高度重视。

    Recent years , our country has attached much importance to building heritage .

  16. 建筑遗产评估的一次探索

    A Exploration for Making the Architecture Heritage Evaluation

  17. 浅析城市建设中的建筑遗产保护

    On preservation of architectural heritage in urban construction

  18. 建筑遗产保护规划与规划体系

    Planning and Planning System for Architecture Heritage Protection

  19. 论近现代建筑遗产保护的制度建设

    Institutional Construction for Preservation of Modern Architectural Heritage

  20. 工业建筑遗产是工业时代留给每一座城市的宝贵财富。

    The urban inheritance of the Industrial Age is a treasure to a city .

  21. 并提出了工业建筑遗产保护与再利用项目风险评估的初步设想。

    It brings forward a basic model for industrial heritage protection and reuse assessment .

  22. 丹东地区建筑遗产保护与再生的设计策略

    The Protection and Regeneration of Regional Architectural Heritage

  23. 中法工业建筑遗产保护与再利用的比较研究初探

    The Comparison Research on Conservation and Reuse of Industrial Heritage Between France and China

  24. 保护建筑遗产构建和谐社会

    Conserving Architectural Heritage and Constructing Harmonious Society

  25. 江南水乡旅游发展与建筑遗产保护、更新

    To Research Developing Tour and Protecting and Renovating Architectural Culture of Heritage of Jiangnan Watertown

  26. 这时,如何保护和再利用这些工业建筑遗产就成为一个建筑学的问题。

    How to protect and reuse of the industrial heritage has become an architectural problem .

  27. 澳大利亚建筑遗产保护

    Architectural Heritage and Conservation in Australia

  28. 所以有必要对这些建筑遗产进行调查、研究和评估。

    It is necessary to investigate , research and make the evaluation of those architectural heritages .

  29. 建筑遗产保护要求既保护好建筑遗产本体,又保护建筑遗产的背景环境。

    To protect architecture heritages is not only conserve heritages themselves but their background environment also .

  30. 20世纪中国建筑遗产

    Chinese architectural heritage in 20th century