
hé ɡé rén yuán
  • qualified person
  1. 只有受到大量生物安全培训和有丰富经验的合格人员才能进入实验室。

    Only qualified personnel with extensive bio-safety training and experience are allowed inside .

  2. 缺乏足够的合格人员充实各医院。

    Eg . There 's not enough qualified manpower to staff all the hospitals .

  3. 主管机关应拥有一批由合格人员组成的固定职员,其中包括检查员。

    The competent authority shall have a permanent staff of qualified persons , including inspectors .

  4. 应安排有经验的合格人员进行安装。

    Expert mounting by suitably qualified personnel .

  5. 指派合格人员并配备充分资源担任设计与开发工作。

    The design and development activities shall be assigned to qualified personnel equipped with adequate resources .

  6. 有时候,因为最后关头的消减了预算,在一个职位找到合格人员之前会取消该招聘。

    Sometimes , due to last minute budget cuts , a position is eliminated before it 's even filled .

  7. 由于不断变化的医疗环境下,这个部门的合格人员的需求不断上升。

    Due to the changing health care environment , the demand for qualified persons in this sector is constantly rising .

  8. 不过,建造业是把不合格人员放在建筑起重机的驾驶位上,甚至没有通过今天的测试。

    But the construction industry is putting unqualified personnel in the seats of construction cranes , even with today 's testing .

  9. 由于当地的原料成本高昂,合格人员匮乏,许多合同的条款都包括从中国采购物品和引进人员。

    Because of the high cost of obtaining materials locally and shortages of qualified personnel , many contracts involve bringing supplies and staff from China .

  10. 每次培训费用请与销售人员联系,培训合格人员由载信软件提供证书,第一次实施培训免费。

    Please contact us for the training fee , and iZENEsoft will give the qualified trainees certificates , the first deployment training is for free .

  11. 合资企业可规定招收人员的试用期。试用期满可正式录用为合格人员,辞退不合格人员。

    Joint ventures may set a probation period for the recruited and officially employ the qualified and dismiss the unqualified when the probation period expires .

  12. 被保险人应保证指派合格人员对上述装置定期进行检查和维护。

    It is warranted that , the insured shall see to it that regular inspection and maintenance of such property shall be carried out by qualified persons .

  13. 仓库和运输站点也有责任保持合格人员(括适当训练)有培训记录。

    It is also the responsibility of the warehouse or terminal to maintain qualified personnel ( including properly trained relief coverage ) along with documented training records .

  14. 按照WHO推荐的口腔流行病学调查方法及诊断标准,由经过标准一致性检验合格人员进行问卷调查和口腔检查。

    Investigating method and diagnostic criteria of mouth epidemiology recommended by WHO was used by the qualified personnel to carry out the questionnaire survey and mouth cavity examination .

  15. 为不符合驾驶许可条件、未经考试或者考试不合格人员发放机动车驾驶证的;

    Distributing motor vehicle driving licenses to persons who do not meet the conditions for driving permission , have not been examined or are examined to be unqualified ;

  16. 在工艺安全管理的组织架构方面,主要分为内部内部合格人员,内部职能专家,第三方专业咨询、协作单位,组织结构变更管理几个部分。

    In the process of safety management organization structure , mainly divided into internal qualified personnel , internal functions experts , the third party consulting , cooperative unit , organization structure change management several parts .

  17. 灯泡寿命终止,请合格维修人员更换灯泡

    The lamp lifetime is overdue . Return the projector to qualified service personnel for lamp change

  18. 你们正在处理需要适当和平衡分布充满活力的合格卫生人员问题。

    You are addressing the need for an adequate and balanced distribution of competent and motivated health workers .

  19. 有关法律法规清理修订可能存在工作量大、时间紧迫而合格专业人员不足的问题;

    The relevant laws and regulations tidy ups to revise and may exist the work have great capacity .

  20. 有着数百个资深的合格教学人员;并因其学术质量而多次获奖。

    It employs hundreds of highly qualified faculty and has won many awards for the quality of its academic programs .

  21. 相关部门根据部门用人要求对初试合格的人员的资料进行审核。

    Departments concerned check the information of the qualified interviewees in first interview according to the specifications of employer departments .

  22. 未经考核合格的人员不得从事进口医疗器械的检验监管工作。

    The staff without examination to be qualified shall not conduct the administration of inspection and supervision on imported medical instruments .

  23. 不断提高考试的规范化、科学化水平,充分发挥导游考试在培养、选拔合格导游人员方面的积极作用。

    The tests should be standardized , scientific and can play a positive role in training and selecting qualified tour guides .

  24. 对可能带来微生物污染的人的处理措施,要由指定的合格的人员作出决定。

    Actions to be taken about personnel who could be introducing undue microbiological hazard should be decided by a designated competent person .

  25. 近一年后的现在,大量这些拥有近30年情报工作经验的合格专业人员,依旧在等待批准。

    Now , almost a year later , this tremendously qualified professional with nearly three decades of intelligence experience is still awaiting confirmation .

  26. 对于合格检查人员执行的质量检查及其范围或广度不需确定具体要求。

    No specific requirements with respect to Qualifying Inspection or the extent or currency of the inspection activities performed by Qualified Inspection Personnel need be defined .

  27. 在现场布置和检查临时用电工程时,承包商提供合格的人员进行安装和维护,以确保电力安全。

    When arranging and inspecting temporary power consumption works , the Contractor shall provide qualified personnel to carry out installation and maintenance to ensure power safety .

  28. 他们强调指出,具备适当数量的合格医护人员、制定旨在最大限度地减少人员流动的合理激励机制、出台感染控制措施具有重要意义。

    They emphasize the importance of having the right number of qualified staff , appropriate incentives to minimize turnover , and infection control measures to prevent contamination .

  29. 近十年来,各国,特别是发展中国家,卫生人员地理分布城市化的趋势仍很严重,基层机构和农村地区合格卫生人员奇缺。

    In the past ten years , the tendency of health manpower urbanization of geographical distribution is still a serious problem in many countries , particularly in developing countries .

  30. 从中期角度看,至关重要的是在受冲突影响最严重的地区重建和改善卫生系统,包括确保足够数量的合格工作人员。

    In the medium term , it is crucial to re-establish and improve the health system in the areas most affected by the conflict , including ensuring enough qualified staff .