
  • 网络Network information retrieval;Networked Information retrieval;internet information retrieval
  1. PBL在网络信息检索课中的教学设计与实践

    The Teaching Design and Practice of PBL in the Network Information Retrieval Course

  2. 分别对基于网页的网络信息检索工具、基于FTP文件的检索工具、基于网络检索工具的检索技术的现状和发展趋势进行了比较深入的分析与探讨。

    This paper makes deep analysis and exploration of the present situation and developing trend of homepage-based network information retrieval tools , FTP-document-based information retrieval tools and network-information-retrieval-tools-based retrieval techniques respectively .

  3. 基于移动Agent的网络信息检索方法研究与应用

    Research and Application of Web Information Retrieval Method Based on Mobile Agent

  4. SEMANTICWEB与基于语义的网络信息检索

    Semantic Web and Semantic - based Networked Information Retrieval

  5. Internet网络信息检索模式

    Internet Networked Information Retrieval Model

  6. 基于Push技术的Internet网络信息检索系统

    Push Based Information Retrieval System on the Internet

  7. 基于LDAP和多Agent的分布式网络信息检索

    Information Retrieval Under Distributed Network Based on LDAP and Multi-agent

  8. 网络信息检索工具是Internet信息资源快速定位的重要方法。

    Web Search Engine is an fast and primary tool for locating special information among huge amount of information resources on Internet .

  9. 一种基于潜在语义的Markov网络信息检索模型

    Information Retrieval Model Based on Markov Network of Latent Semantic

  10. 智能Agent技术在网络信息检索中的应用,给信息用户带来了希望。

    A new technology - Intelligent Agent is introduced in the fields of information retrieval that brings about the hope for information users .

  11. Ontology与面向概念的网络信息检索

    Ontology Concept-Based Web Information Retrieval

  12. 基于www中文网络信息检索工具的比较研究

    The Comparison Research of Chinese Web Information Retrieval Tools Based on WWW

  13. 针对根据目前网络信息检索存在的查全率和查准率低的特点,提出一种个性化的局部上下文分析方法,以提高Web信息检索的性能。

    Since the precision and recall of Web information retrieval systems was very low now , a new method for automatic query expansion to improve the performance of retrieval was presented .

  14. 利用虚拟站点定位技术的网络信息检索研究基于URL类型优先级的入口页面查询算法

    Effective Web IR Based on Virtual Site Entry Page Selection Entry page search algorithm based on URL-type prior probabilities

  15. 针对目前网络信息检索系统中存在的异构系统之间跨平台,跨防火墙的通信问题,本文对XMLwebServices技术在网络信息检索系统中的应用进行了研究。

    To solve the problem of independent operation system and firewall communication under isomeric environment , this paper makes a study on the application of XML Web Services technique in Internet information retrieval system .

  16. 本文首先分析了网络信息检索现状,提出了一个适合Internet网络图片资源的检索方法,并给出了相应图片资源检索系统的总体结构及其组成部分。

    This paper analyzes the demands of search engine for Internet image resources , introduces a new solution to Internet image information retrieval , and presents the search engine which can be integrated with full-text retrieval .

  17. 文章在分析了当前Internet信息检索模式存在不足的基础上,指出基于Agent的信息检索技术是今后网络信息检索重要发展趋势与研究领域。

    The paper analyses the deficiency in current Internet information retrieve mode , on the basis , points out that Agent based information retrieve technology is the important developing trend and study field of network information retrieve .

  18. 本文针对现在的网络信息检索服务中存在的缺陷,提出了基于三层Agent的个性化主动服务系统的模型框架,并分析各模块的功能实现

    According to the defects of nowadays information retrieval service on network , the article suggests the model of a personal and active information service system based on the three layers agent , and analyzes the realization of each module of function

  19. 在2003年文本信息检索会议(TextRetrievalConference,简称TREC)标准的评测条件下,基于此种改进决策树算法的大规模网络信息检索实验获得了超过基本算法40%的性能提高。

    With the same evaluation method as TREC ( Text Retrieval Conference ) 2003 , large scale retrieval experiments based on improved decision tree algorithm achieves more than 40 % improvement than the ones based on the original algorithm .

  20. 该文针对网络信息检索中的自动标引问题,提出了一种基于UCL的网页自动标引技术。

    Aiming at the problem of automatic indexing in the information searches , an indexing method for web pages based on UCL is put forward in this paper .

  21. 作为网络信息检索的国际标准,Z39.50主要应用于图书馆的书目检索服务。

    As an international standard defining a protocol for Internet information retrieval , Z39.50 is mainly used in the field of online bibliographic retrieval in library community .

  22. 网络信息检索是一种基于超文本方式的信息查询工具。

    Internet information searches are a searching tool based on hypertext .

  23. 搜索引擎,是目前最流行的网络信息检索工具之一。

    Search engine , is the most popular network information retrieval tool .

  24. 近十年来我国网络信息检索研究主题分析

    The Thematic Study of China Network Information Retrieval in the Last Decade

  25. 网络信息检索课网上考试探微

    A Study on Examination Online in Network Information Retrieval Lesson

  26. 网络信息检索失误探讨及提高检索效率的措施

    Discussions of Internet-based Information Retrieval Failure and Measures of Improving Information Retrieval

  27. 网络信息检索效果评价指标体系设计探讨

    On the Design of Evaluation Index System for Network Information Retrieval Results

  28. 网络信息检索技术在大学语文教学中的应用

    Application of Network Information Retrieval Technique in University Chinese Teaching

  29. 词表在网络信息检索中的应用分析

    Analysis of the Application of Thesaurus in Web Information Retrieval

  30. 浅析当前网络信息检索与过滤技术

    Analysis on the Current Network Information Retrieval and Filtering Techniques