
  1. 研究结果表明旬邑窑黑釉与酱色釉也是一种析晶-分相釉,分相形成机理与著名建盏的金、灰、黄兔毫相似。

    The Investigation results show that the black glaze and the brown glaze of Xunyi ware are also one kind of crystallization - phase separation glaze .

  2. 本文介绍铁锈斑建盏的仿制工艺与古瓷铁锈斑区域的理化分析结果,探讨铁锈斑斑纹的形成条件。

    The imitation technology of rust-colored spot ware of Jian Yao , physico-chemi cal analysis of the spot in ancient porcelain , and formation condition of the spot were reported in this paper .

  3. 建盏在宋代茶文化史上扮演着重要的角色,而与其同一产地的建茶(武夷茶)也同样备受瞩目。

    Song Jianzhan beacon in the history of tea culture plays an important role , with the same origin and the production of tea ( Wuyi Cha ) also became the focus of attention .

  4. 宋代建盏文化已成为中国陶瓷史中耀眼夺目的一章,她以悠久的历史、独特的体系和辉煌的成就为中国陶瓷艺术做出了重要的贡献。

    Jian Teacup Culture has become a splendid chapter in Chinese ceramics history , with its long history , unique system and brilliant achievement Jian Teacup culture has made great contribution to Chinese ceramic art .