
  • 网络Tai Chi Culture;taiji culture
  1. 论太极文化与奥运精神的融合

    On the Combination of Tai Ji Cultures and Olympic Spirit

  2. 太极文化是我国民族传统体育文化的一个组成部分。

    Tai Ji cultures are a part of Chinese traditional physical culture .

  3. 对2008年奥运会太极拳文化交流战略的研究

    Taiji Boxing and the Study of the Olympic Strategy in 2008

  4. 太极拳文化与其他艺术的相互融合及发展趋势

    The Amalgamation and the Trend of Development of Taijiquan and Other Arts

  5. 太极拳文化作为中国文化的优秀代表,在这一世界性的追求中,满足着这样的文化需求。

    China 's outstanding Taijiquan culture meets the cultural needs of this trend .

  6. 关于开发河南省太极拳文化产业的研究

    On Developing Taichi Culture Industry in Henan Province

  7. 走进主流社会的中国太极拳文化

    Chinese Taijiquan Culture Melting into Mainstream Society

  8. 太极拳文化与现代思维

    Taijiquan Culture and Modern Thinking

  9. 太极拳文化产业化现状与发展研究&以焦作市太极拳文化产业化发展为例

    On the Current Conditions of Taijiquan Culture 's Industrialization and Its Development & Take Jiaozuo Taijiquan Culture Industrialization as the Example

  10. 本文力求有助于人们在企业经营管理中充分发挥太极组织文化的优势,使企业更加和谐,更具有凝聚力和竞争力。

    This dissertation tries to help people exerting the advantages of Taichi organizational culture and then harmonizing enterprises and increasing coherence and ability to compete .

  11. 通过对太极运动文化学功能的研究,为太极运动本身的发展提供一个文化参照系,并且促进当代大学生身心的修为,从而弘扬太极运动的文化学精神。

    The research on the functions of Taiji culture can not only provide a cultural reference for the development of Taiji itself , but also can improve the cultivation of the college students , hence carrying forward the spirit of Taiji culture .

  12. 太极拳健身文化价值探析

    Study on Value of Health - preserving Culture of Taijiquan

  13. 中国太极拳健康文化系统的研究

    Research on Health Culture System of Chinese Taijiquan

  14. 太极拳健身文化及其科学基础&现代太极拳运动之延年益寿篇

    Body-building Culture by Taijiquan and Scientific Foundation

  15. 从中国古代哲学经典理论出发,分两极交泰、循环往复、有限或相反和中道等法则,深刻的揭示出太极拳的文化底蕴和哲理。

    The basic lows of Taijiquan and its cultural connotation and philosophy were revealed through the analysis of ancient Chinese classic theories .

  16. 太极拳健心文化及其科学基础

    Mental Health Culture of Taijiquan and Its Scientific Foundation

  17. 浅析太极拳的中国文化心理学内涵

    Great Thoughts of Taijiquan in Chinese Culture - psychology

  18. 对太极拳气的文化诠释

    Analysis of the " Qi " in the Body - building Culture by Taijiquan

  19. 论太极拳与儒家文化

    Discuss Taijiquan and Confucian Culture

  20. 太极拳运动与其文化内涵

    Taiji and Its Cultural Connotation

  21. 太极拳与奥林匹克文化

    Taijiquan and Olympic Culture

  22. 得出结论:正值武术进入奥运之际,太极拳的跨文化教学一定要注意传播其高层次的审美思想,充分体现出其美学价值。

    The main conclusion is that before Wushu becomes one of the Olympic games , we should focus on diffusing the graceful esthetics consciousness of Taiji and try to pass on the esthetics value by cross culture teaching .

  23. 论太极拳的道德观太极拳的武德文化是太极拳整个文化体系的重要组成部分,研究太极拳的道德观有利于太极拳文化的发展。

    The soldierly virtue is an important component of the whole cultural system of Taijiquan . To study Taijiquan from moral perspective can do good to the development of its culture .

  24. 希望能够促进杨式太极拳更好地发展,并为太极拳文化的研究提供一定的参考。

    Yang hopes to promote better development of Taijiquan and Taijiquan to provide a study of cultural reference .

  25. 概括和阐述太极拳和软实力的发展现状;探讨太极拳和文化软实力之间的联系;分析全球化形势下太极拳能否作为软实力建设的途径,来提升我国的综合实力和国际影响力。

    It summarizes and elaborates the current development of Taijiquan , discussing the relationship between Taijiquan and soft power ; analyzing whether Taijiquan could be served as a way of constructing the soft power and to produce the good influence and value in the international communication .

  26. 探讨《周易》与太极拳的关系,有助于人们从根本上深刻认识太极拳的文化内涵。

    To discuss the relationship between the Zhouyi and Taijiquan boxing can help us understand the profound cultural connotations of the Taijiquan boxing .

  27. 而且通过学习太极拳还可以领略一种融合哲理,医理,拳理于一身的博大精深的太极拳文化。

    You can also enjoy a fusion of medical philosophy , boxing theory in abroad and profound Taijiquan culture through the learning of Tai Chi .

  28. 太极拳运动形式的变革,使其运动方式由“粗俗”走向“儒雅”,扩大了太极拳的传播文化层次和习练人群。

    The changing form of Taiji made its movement from'vulgar'to'scholarly and refined ' , expanding the cultural level and practicing crowds .