
  1. 本文主要采用实证分析、比较分析方法,通过具体的数据,详尽的案例,来研究商业银行网点转型,重点总结分析QLB银行网点转型战略推进现状。

    This paper mainly adopts empirical analysis , comparative analysis , studying the transformation of commercial banks with concrete data , detailed case , the emphatically summarized analysis is on the current transformation strategy of QLB .

  2. 外资银行分行网点转型发展状况与创新个案

    On Transformation of Foreign-funded Bank Branch Network and Some Innovative Cases

  3. 黑龙江省农业银行营业网点转型研究

    Network Reforming of China Agricultural Bank Heilongjiang Branch

  4. 网点转型是商业银行在目前激烈的竞争形势下提出的全新发展策略。

    Network transformation is a new strategy which is proposed under new competitive situation .

  5. 本文的研究对同类商业银行零售网点转型项目具有参考价值。

    The research can give similar commercial banks reference and guide on retail banking outlets transformation .

  6. 同时,对网点转型工作的推进方式提出建设性意见。

    In the same time , it makes constructive comments to the way of branch transformation .

  7. 对我国银行业网点转型工作的思考

    Thoughts on Transformation of Bank Outlets

  8. 网点转型属于创新性的工作,必须更新观念,对网点转型的必要性、紧迫性统一认识。

    Branch transformation is innovative , we must adopt new ideas , outlets transformation of necessity and urgency of common understanding .

  9. 其次,通过分析,指出对公营业网点转型就是要实现以客户为中心的流程再造和组织再造。

    Second , it claims corporate banking outlets transition is process recreation and organization recreation to realize customer focus through analysis .

  10. 指出温州农行实施网点转型的时机是适宜的,条件是成熟的。

    Agricultural Bank of China Wenzhou branch transformation that the timing of the implementation is appropriate , the conditions are mature .

  11. 伴随着银行网点转型的迅速发展,满足客户金融需求、且更有竞争力的新的网点服务模式被不断创新。

    With the development of network transformation , the new model of network service , which is more competitive , is innovated .

  12. 现如今,中国银行大连开发区分行正在进行分析、设计更成熟的网点转型战略。

    Today , the Bank of China branch in Dalian Development Zone , ongoing analysis , design more sophisticated network transformation strategy .

  13. 第二章论述网点转型的理论支持,主要阐述网点转型理论,服务利润链模型等理论。

    The second chapter discusses the theoretical support network transformation , mainly on the branch transformation theory , theories of service profit chain model .

  14. 本文认为工商银行丙九路支行网点转型目标为:将操作型转变为营销型网点,全面提升网点竞争力。

    This paper holds that commercial bank c nine road branch network transformation goal is : operational into marketing type network , improve network competitiveness .

  15. 解决业务结构、存款结构、客户结构不合理的问题。二是实施网点转型策略。

    There strategies contribute to solve the problems of irrational business structure , savings structure and customers ' structure ; ( 2 ) network transformation strategy .

  16. 经过多年努力,支行网点转型取得初步成效:金融产品更加丰富,基层网点服务能力不断提升。

    After many years efforts , the transition of branch network has achieved initial result , more abundant financial products , the service of network has been improved .

  17. 第五章论述为确保中国银行大连开发区分行网点转型的成功,分行为网点所提供的各项的举措。

    Chapter V discusses the Bank of China , Dalian Development Zone in order to ensure the successful transformation of branch network , Branch outlets provide various initiatives .

  18. 本文针对银行零售业务实务性很强的特点,以中国建设银行网点转型为例,突出了实证研究与理论分析相结合的特点。

    The paper takes network transformation of CCB for example and highlights the characteristics of empirical research and theoretical analysis in view of high practicality of retail banking business .

  19. 第四部分温州农行零售银行网点转型实战研究,具体阐述实施网点转型战略的措施与实施路径。

    The fourth part of the Agricultural Bank of China Wenzhou actual retail bank branch transformation study describes the implementation of specific measures for network transformation strategy and implementation path .

  20. 第三章论述中国银行大连开发区分行网点转型背景分析,通过内外部背景分析,得出网点转型的必要性。

    The third chapter discusses the Dalian Development Zone Branch of Bank of China branch transformation background analysis , through internal and external background analysis , the need for branch transformation .

  21. 最后,本文在结合测量、统计和分析诊断结果的前提下,确立了建设银行济南地区零售网点转型的目标、原则,形成了完整的具有可操作性的零售银行网点转型设计方案。

    Finally , after thorough excavation with measuring , statistics and analyzing of diagnostic results , the author provides an integral and operable transformation scheme of retail banking outlets with definite objective and principle .

  22. 但是由于金融业市场时代的迅猛发展,以及客户群体数量的日益增长,使得该行在网点转型工作上,还需进一步提升。

    However , due to financial market era of rapid development , as well as the growing number of customer groups , making the bank branch transformation work , need to be further improved .

  23. 并通过个案分析,可以观察零售网点转型是如何在一个基层单位具体实施,得出网点转型在基层零售银行所产生的积极作用及所需要改进的方面。

    And through case studies , we can observe how the transformation of retail outlets in a specific implementation of grass-roots units , draw grass-roots network of retail banks in the transition to the positive role and the need for improvement .

  24. 本文依据道格拉斯生产函数和索洛模型,设计了A银行网点转型框架和思路。A银行网点转型包括三个方面:网点人力投入转型、网点资本投入转型和网点创新投入转型。

    This paper designs the framework and ideas of transformation based on Douglas production function and the Solow model . A bank branch includes three aspects , transformation of human resource investment , transformation of capital investment and transformation of innovation investment .

  25. 第四章论述中国银行大连开发区分行网点转型战略的确定,通过多项战略的对比选择,得出适用于中国银行大连开发区分行的网点转型战略。

    The fourth chapter discusses the Dalian Development Zone Branch of Bank of China branch transformation strategy to determine , through a comparison of a number of strategic options , drawn for Dalian Development Zone Branch of Bank of China branch transformation strategy .

  26. 在理论上,本文阐明了网点转型内涵,分别根据服务利润链理论、渠道管理理论、客户细分理论、范围经济理论,从理论上指出网点转型的必要性。

    On the theoretical side , this paper illustrates branch transformation connotation , according to the service profit chain theory , the theory of channel management , customer segmentation theory , the scope of economic theory , and pointes out the necessity of branch transformation respectively in theory .

  27. 促进网点全面转型,需进行网点服务迁徙、全面进行业务流程化改造、进行科学的绩效考核机制、拓展网点负债业务。

    To promote the comprehensive network transformation , need to undertake network service migration and comprehensive routing business transformation , the scientific performance evaluation mechanism , the development network business debt .

  28. 营销渠道的建设及网点营销营销渠道转型通过实施网点零售业务营销渠道转型项目来实现。

    The construction of the marketing channels and network marketing channel power were achieved through the retail business transformation projects for Outlets .

  29. 第三部分介绍温州经济金融环境影响以及农行零售网点SWOT分析,进而说明温州农行零售网点转型的必要性与紧迫性。

    The third section describes the impact of Wenzhou Economic and financial environment SWOT analysis of the Agricultural Bank of retail outlets , retail outlets and then transformation of the Agricultural Bank of Wenzhou shows the necessity and urgency .

  30. 然而,在现有经营环境下,我行网点的规模优势尚未完全转化为竞争优势,在推动网点功能转型工作中依然面临着一些问题。

    However , in the current business environment , our business outlet the size advantage has not been completely transformed to competitive advantage , in promoting network function transformation work is still faced with some problems .