
  • 网络Web Survey
  1. 针对研究方法,建议慎重使用网络调查法,在报道中需通过呈现研究方法以体现专业性。

    For research approach , the paper suggested to use on-line survey cautiously , and use more professional methods .

  2. 文章采用问卷调查法、专家调查法和网络调查法进行数据的搜集,经过加工整理,运用层次分析的方法进行评价研究。

    This paper gets data using questionnaire method , expert investigation method and mathematical statistic method , and practices evaluation research through analytical hierarchy process .

  3. 在数据收集与处理阶段,采用网络调查法、数据分析法和综合比较法等对江苏高校图书馆数字资源建设情况进行调查。

    In the stage of data collecting and process , the present construction of digital resources in university libraries in Jiangsu in investigated . Network survey , data analysis and comprehensive comparing method are conducted .

  4. 本文采用了网络调查问卷法,通过这个平台得到了547位调查者的调查结果。

    This dissertation applies the investigative questionnaire on the internet . 547 investors are investigated .