
wǎnɡ luò kònɡ zhì zhōnɡ xīn
  • network control center
  1. 每个寻呼区内各自建设有一套高速寻呼系统,其核心为一套寻呼网络控制中心设备(PNCC)和多套发射单元(基站控制器和基站)。

    In each paging zone there is a high-speed paging system , which contains a PNCC ( Paging Network Control Center ) and many launch cells .

  2. 其主要结构包括:远程测控终端(RTU)、通讯网络、控制中心站,是自动化控制技术在油气田生产、管线管理调度等领域中的一个分支。

    Its main structures include remote monitoring Terminal ( RTU ), communications networks , Control Center , automatic control technology in oil production , pipeline management control areas , a branch .

  3. 为了提高海洋钻井平台系统控制的稳定性,充分发挥其实时功能,在已有的单机控制的基础上,构建以太网双向环形冗余网络的PLC控制中心。

    To improve the stability of monitoring for offshore drilling , a double-direction redundancy ethernet network is proposed .

  4. 网络传感器和控制中心建立在移动agent平台的基础之上,控制中心与网络传感器之间的通信以及控制中心对网络传感器的控制都是通过移动agent来完成的。

    NIDS and control center are built on mobile agent platform through which NIDS communicate with control center . The control center controls the NIDS through mobile agent .

  5. 分析表明,选用UPS能够对包装行业中的网络中心、控制中心提供稳定、安全的交流电源。

    In the paper , it is concluded that the stable and safe Sinusoidal AC Supply selecting UPS is supplied to network center and control center in the packaging industry .

  6. 文中对指挥系统的组成及原理进行了介绍,对如何应用MotorolaG20模块构建GPRS网络通信及控制中心通信模块的设计进行了阐述;

    This paper introduces the constitution and the working principle of the command system . Then this paper expatiates the realization of GPRS communications using the Motorola G20 module and the design of the communications module of the command control center .

  7. 然后分别对系统中远程监控站,通讯网络,调度控制中心进行了设计。

    Then , the remote monitor uint , communication network , dispatching control center of the system is designed .

  8. 在adhoc网络中没有集中控制中心,各个结点地位平等,结点之间利用无线信道进行通信,并且目前结点的能源和处理能力都是有限的。

    There is no centralized control node in Ad Hoc networks , each node is on a equal position , and all the nodes use wireless channel to communicate with each other , and now all the nodes has limited energy and processing capacity .

  9. 系统整体框架包括5个部分,即,做为router角色的路灯终端;做为coordinator角色的接收端;GPRS网络端;控制管理中心的数据库;以及internet网络显示端。

    The whole system framework includes five parts , that is , the lamps of the terminal , the job role as the coordinator of the role of the receiver ; GPRS network end ; Control management center of the database ; And Internet network shows end .

  10. 其软件含空调主控板、网络嵌入式接入、控制中心以及控制中心网站等。

    The software of this system contains the board of main control , connection of network-embedded , the center of control and its Website software , etc.

  11. 软交换是下一代网络呼叫与控制的中心,呼叫路由在软交换体系中占据着至关重要的位置。

    The soft switch is a calling and control center in the NGN and the call-route is important in the soft switch architecture . The soft switch architecture , function and design are discussed .

  12. 物联网应用系统是本文的重点,该系统由传感服务端、客户端、网络管理端和控制中心端四大软件子系统构成,根据不同的功能运行在不同的操作系统上。

    The Application management software system is the focus of this paper , which can divide into four parts : the service , the client , the network management side and the control center . These subsystems with different functions are running on different operating system .

  13. 无线自组织网络(WirelessAdhocnetwork)是一种无固定基础设施的无线通信网络,其特点是无网络控制中心、多跳路由、网络自组性、动态拓扑等。

    Wireless Ad hoc Network is a wireless communication network , which has no fixed infrastructure . Ad hoc Network has some special characteristics , such as no center controller , multiple hop routing , self-organization , dynamic topology , etc.