
  • 网络Wireless Fiber;radio-on-fiber;wifiber
  1. 曲线拟合技术在无线光纤振动传感器的研究

    Research on Wireless Fiber Brag Grating Vibration Sensor Based on Curve Simulating Technology

  2. WOBAN(Wireless-OpticalBroadbandAccessNetwork,无线光纤混合宽带接入网)被认为是未来宽带接入的最佳选择。

    Wireless-Optical Broadband Access Network ( WOBAN ) has been considered as a promising choice of broadband access technologies in the future .

  3. 基于无线光纤混合传感网络的井下安全监控系统研究

    The Research on Underground Monitoring System for Safety Based on Wireless and Optical Fiber Sensing Hybrid Networks

  4. 当前,无线光纤混合接入已经成为宽带接入技术领域最为普遍的模式,其最大的优势就在于两种技术优势的互补。

    At present , the optical wireless hybrid access has become the most common mode of broadband access technology , its biggest advantage is the advantage of two technologies complement each other .

  5. 无线-光纤宽带接入网络(WOBAN)是一种极具竞争力的面向最后一英里问题的解决方案。

    Wireless Optical Broadband Access Network ( WOBAN ) is a promising solution for the " Last mile " problem , with huge competitiveness .

  6. 为了优化组合资源,并且提供更高速、更稳定、更灵活的宽带接入业务,无线和光纤网络的融合成为接入网演进的趋势。

    In order to combine resources and provide higher speed , more stable , more flexible broadband access services , wireless and optical networks tend to be integrated into the access network .

  7. 将无线通信和光纤传输相结合的光载无线系统(ROF)在实现灵活的无线传输的同时又具有高速的宽带传输,并可降低基站成本,使其成为下一代通信技术的研究热点之一。

    The radio over fiber ( ROF ) system , which can achieve a flexible wireless and high-speed broadband transmission , also reduce the cost of base stations , is becoming one of hot spots of the next generation communications technology research .

  8. ROF(Radio-over-fiber)传输系统是将无线通信和光纤通信相结合的一种新型技术,用无线技术的移动性代替光纤通信的有线束缚,以大容量的光纤来传输在空气中高损耗的无线信号。

    ROF ( Radio-over-fiber ) transmission system is a new technology which combines wireless communications with optical communications , using the mobility of wireless technology instead of optical communications with fibers , and transmitting wireless signals , which have high loss in the air , with high-capacity fibers .

  9. 铁路无线列调光纤直放站技术方案分析

    The Technology Program Analysis of Optic-fiber Repeater in railway Radio Communication for Train Dispatching

  10. 蜂窝网的无线接入和光纤基础设施&Greenstein博士研究室文章阅读笔记

    Wireless Access and Optical Fiber Infrastructure in Cellular Network Notes on Dr. Larry Greenstein group 's recently published papers

  11. 水下光通信充分利用了海水对激光的衰减窗口效应,具有隐蔽、安全、非接触和快速机动等特性,兼具无线通信和光纤通信的优点,其关键技术在于光收发端机的研制;

    Underwater optical communication integrates the advantages of optical-fiber communication and wireless communication , which key technology is the optical transceiver .

  12. 学习安装无线网络或光纤电缆的唯一途径是跟着会的人做。

    There 's only one way to learn how to set up a wireless network or lay fiber-optic cable & follow somebody around who 's doing it .

  13. BCH码是迄今为止所发现的一类很好的线性纠错码类,在移动通信、无线寻呼系统以及光纤通信等领域应用广泛。

    BCH code , a very good kind of linear error correction code that has been found by now , is widely applied to mobile communications , wireless paging systems , fiber optical communications , and so on .

  14. 无线通信系统在光纤陀螺性能测试中的应用

    Application of Wireless Communication to FOG 's Performance Test

  15. 无线网络中运用光纤直放站是解决场强覆盖问题的有效手段。

    Optical fiber straightener is an effective means to solve field strength coverage in wireless network .

  16. 因为他可以利用地下已有的无线基础架构——光纤。

    because it can use existing fibers that are in the ground , existing wireless infrastructure .

  17. 通过对上海市电力负荷无线监控系统的光纤通道延伸主站主式的介绍,以了解有线、无线通道的转接方法。

    The extended Load control center using fibre of shanghai wireless load control system and the connection scheme of the wire and the wireless channel are introduced .

  18. 无线光通信是光纤通信与无线通信相结合的产物,它是一种新型的无线宽带光联网手段。

    Free space optical communication ( FSO ) is integrated with fiber communication and wireless communication . It is a new method of network with wireless optical access .

  19. ROF(RadioOverFiber光载无线通信)技术结合光纤通信与无线接入,利用光纤构建骨干通信网络,结合无线终端接入,能够为通信提供更为灵活可靠的高速数据传输。

    The technology of radio over fiber combines both optical fiber communication and wireless access . ROF uses optical fiber to build the backbone of communication network . Combining both advantages of wired and wireless access , ROF can provide more flexible and reliable high-speed data transmission link for communication .

  20. 光纤无线通信技术将无线通信与光纤通信结合起来,充分发挥了无线通信接入的灵活性和光纤通信能提供大容量、低成本系统的优势,在未来通信中具有强大的潜力。

    Radio-over-fiber technique has fully displayed flexibility in wireless communication and provided large capacity , low cost in optical communication .

  21. 监控系统总体网络采用有线光纤和无线传输相结合的方式,无线区段是根据光纤接入口划分。

    The whole net is the combination of fiber-optic cable and wireless transmission , and the section is departed according to fiber access of mouth .

  22. 基于无线传感网络技术,文中提出了一种无线光纤光栅应力传感器的模块化设计方法,用于桥梁结构的健康监测。

    Based on the technology of Wireless Sensor Networks , this paper present a kind of modularization designing method about wireless strain sensor applied in bridge structure monitoring .