
  1. 这是件很不幸的事,恐怕现在我还无法开口谈论此事。

    It is all very tragic and I am afraid I just cannot bring myself to talk about it at the moment .

  2. 今天,在你就要说出不善之语之前——想一下那些无法开口说话的人。

    Today before you say an unkind word - Think of someone who can 't speak .

  3. 但与低年级同学面对面时,过于紧张的他甚至无法开口要价。

    But when he encountered a lowerclassman , he was too nervous to put a price on those books .

  4. 数典自己说过、写过的那些后来希望能收回的东西简直会让我无法开口。

    I can 't begin to count the times when I 've said something , or written something , that I wished I could retract .

  5. 由于我们多年没联系了,如此疏远,让我无法开口让她帮忙。

    Now that we have been out of touch for so many years , our friendship is so attenuated that I couldn 't ask her for a favor .

  6. 还记得杂志广告中可以让你百公里油耗减半的“”汽化器么?为了某种神秘或无法开口的原因,政府从不愿你知道这项革新。

    Remember those magazine ads for the space-age carburetor that could double your gas mileage & an invention that the government , for mysterious and unstated reasons , did not want you to know about ?

  7. 志贵已无法为自己开口辩解了。

    Shiki is unable to speak up to explain himself .

  8. 他无法不口吃地开口,邀请一个女孩参加高中毕业舞会,所以他选择缺席。

    He couldn 't ask a girl to the high school prom without stuttering , so he didn 't go .