
  • Can't forgive;【电影】No Mercy
  1. 她无法原谅他的不忠行为。

    She could not forgive his infidelities .

  2. 我永远无法原谅我自己。

    I can never , ever , forgive myself

  3. 凡是忽略正义的人,我都无法原谅。

    Those who neglect of justice , I cannot forgive .

  4. 她的心情使她忧虑她表现地无法原谅。

    Her heart misgave her that she had acted inexcusably .

  5. 我们当时认为他过早地离开是无法原谅的。

    We thought it was inexcusable for him to leave so early .

  6. 你说:「我无法原谅自己。」

    You say : 'I can 't forgive myself ' .

  7. 我无法原谅你这次的错误。

    I can 't pass over your mistake this time .

  8. 他是对的她做的无法原谅。

    He 's right , what she did was unforgivable .

  9. 我无法原谅自己让你不快乐。

    I could never forgive myself for making you unhappy .

  10. 在我认为那是无法原谅的!

    In me thought that is unable to forgive !

  11. 我知道对她做了无法原谅的事。

    I made a really big mistake with her .

  12. 最终他因无法原谅绝望的自己而选择了自杀。

    Finally , he kills himself , unable to forgive the desperate self .

  13. 那你真的无法原谅她了吗

    And there 's. .. really no way you could ever forgive her ?

  14. 扔掉食物是无法原谅的!

    There is no excuse for throwing away food !

  15. 我肯定无法原谅这样的我。

    I definitely couldn 't forgive myself of that .

  16. 我们无法原谅他的这些罪行。

    We cannot excuse him for these crimes .

  17. 把这么小的孩子单独留在家里是无法原谅的。

    It 's inexcusable that such young children were left in the house alone .

  18. 但是,在那个时刻我仍然无法原谅我自己!

    But still , I couldn 't forgive myself of that at the moment !

  19. 我们无法原谅这样的行为。

    This is behavior we don 't condone .

  20. 请原谅我,因为我无法原谅我自己。

    Forgive me because I cannot forgive myself .

  21. 我也无法原谅自己。

    I wouldn 't forgive me either .

  22. 他为什么无法原谅我

    why he 's never forgiven me .

  23. 那是无法原谅地愚蠢,而且将相当向后地设定你的计划一点点。

    That was inexcusably stupid , and will set back your plans quite a bit .

  24. 但是另一方面…你做的事情无法原谅。

    But , you , on the other hand ... what you did is inexcusable .

  25. 我无法原谅我自己没有说服修女让我去抱抱他们。

    I will never forgive myself for not making the nuns let me hold them .

  26. 我不是你想象的那样,你也无法原谅我。

    I 'm not who you thought I was , and you can 't forgive that .

  27. 安妮斯顿说人们确实会做一些让人无法原谅的事情,但你也只能随它而去。

    The actress said people can do unforgivable things but you have to let it go .

  28. 她当着同事的面让你下不了台,你永远也无法原谅她。

    She embarrassed you in front of your colleagues and you are never going to forgive her .

  29. 我们无法原谅的是他们没有公开地承认做不到这一点。

    We fault them only for failing to publicly acknowledge that they can 't do this job .

  30. 我的罪行是比你更聪明,这是你永远无法原谅我的地方。

    My crime is that of outsmarting you , something that you will never forgive me for .