
  • Julie;Angelina Jolie;Julia
  1. 而23%的女性在接受唇部植入和注射手术时,都表示想要朱莉的性感双唇。

    Angelina Jolie 's lips inspire 23 per cent of women seeking lip implants or injections .

  2. 但是自从有报道称朱莉对美国一个11英亩的佩特拉心形岛很感兴趣之后,我们意识到心形岛完全可以成为一个举办婚礼的理想场所。

    But since reports about the apparent interest of Angelina Jolie in the 11-acre American island of Petra , we have realised thanks to all the phone calls we have been getting that there is a lot of potential for our island to be used as a wedding destination .

  3. 唐和朱莉他们自己付的款。

    Don and Julie paid for it themselves .

  4. 朱莉穿着一件与此场合相称的纯白婚纱嫁给了亚历克。

    And Julie married Alec , dressed appropriately in virginal white .

  5. 我刚给朱莉打了电话,她身体还是不舒服。

    I 've just phoned Julie and she 's still poorly .

  6. 他这般低声耳语,只有朱莉听得见。

    He whispered so softly that none but Julie heard him .

  7. 当阿蒂彻底不再上门后,朱莉又找了个男人。

    When Artie stopped calling altogether , Julie found a new man

  8. 朱莉轻轻地敲了敲我的门,探进头来。

    Julie tapped on my door and poked her head in

  9. 朱莉的戏剧老师相信她会成为一颗冉冉升起的明星。

    Her drama teacher is confident Julie is a star in the making

  10. 出事后不久,朱莉就被停职了。

    Julie was suspended from her job shortly after the incident

  11. 朱莉的婚姻濒临破裂,我为此感到难过。

    I 'm sad that Julie 's marriage is on the verge of splitting up

  12. 朱莉耷拉着眼皮斜眼看了看她。

    Julie squinted at her through lidded eyes

  13. 她教朱莉识字。

    She taught Julie to read

  14. 我立即拿起电话,拨打了朱莉帮我记下的号码。

    I picked up the phone immediately and tapped out the number Julie had jotted down for me .

  15. “你肯定想不到我和朱莉要去哪里。”——“去哪里啊?”

    ' You 'll never believe where Julie and I are going . ' — ' Where ? '

  16. 谈到自己的残疾时,朱莉的语气一如谈及她的高级证书考试前景般冷静平和。

    When Julie speaks of her disability , she talks in the same calm , level tones she uses to discuss her A level prospects .

  17. 朱莉的父亲拥有自己的生意,专门从事大宗订货。

    Julie 's father owned a business that dealt in bulk orders .

  18. “我们原本认为我们会看到基于护理机构类型而产生的差异。”该研究的第一作者朱莉·罗比森这样说道,她也是康涅狄格大学的一位医学副教授。

    " We thought we would see differences based on the housing types , " said the lead author of the study , Julie Robison , an associate professor of medicine at the university .

  19. 我相信朱莉对她的所作所为特别懊悔。

    I believed Julie was totally remorseful over what she did .

  20. 因为这些环境的解决方法。这些朱莉在她的家,她的工作室和她的学校就可以实施的解决方法。对生活在他周围的每一个人产生了影响。

    Because these environmental solutions that Julie can make in her home , her workplace and her school are impacting everyone that lives around her .

  21. 我希望大家重新想象一下一个世界,一个没有处方类固醇,气管喷雾和药品,医生会对朱莉说,

    But I want everyone here to reimagine a world where instead of prescribing steroids , inhalers and medication , the doctor turns to Julie and says ,

  22. 在今天的观众中,我有一个志愿者朱莉,朱莉的所有数据都被事先输入进我的交互软件模型中。

    And I have a volunteer subject in the audience today , Julie . And all of Julie 's data has been pre-entered into my interactive software model .

  23. 现在我希望大家以朱莉的身份来想象,或者跟你最亲近患有哮喘病或者其他肺部疾病的人。

    So I want you to imagine that you 're in Julie 's shoes , or someone who 's really close to you who suffers from asthma or another lung disorder .

  24. 它显示出,如果你只想关注右上角的图示,它显示出朱莉的实际呼气流量率峰值,就是那个黄色方块。

    So what it shows -- if you want to focus on that top graph in the right-hand corner -- it shows Julie 's actual peak expiratory flow rate in the yellow bar .

  25. 朱莉现在去看医生,去治疗她的哮喘,医生请她坐下,给她测了呼气流量率峰值,实际上就是她的呼气率,或者说是她一口气所呼出的空气量。

    So Julie 's going to her doctor 's office to get treated for her asthma . And the doctor has her sit down , and he takes her peak expiratory flow rate -- which is essentially her exhalation rate , or the amount of air that she can breathe out in one breath .

  26. 一位名叫TazeenDhanani的学生发推文称朱莉“好极了”,而另一位名叫AlanaFoster的学生则描述她是一位让人不可思议的讲师。

    Student Tazeen Dhanani tweeted Ms Jolie did " wonderfully " while Alana Foster described it as an incredible lecture .

  27. 做出这样的决定是为了家庭的健康,朱莉•皮特的律师罗伯特•奥费(RobertOffer)在声明中表示。

    This decision was made for the health of the family , Robert Offer , a lawyer for Ms Jolie Pitt , said in the statement .

  28. 朱莉拉尔森-格林将继续负责设备及工作室团队,并专注于今年秋季即将发布的重要产品,包括XboxOne和新款Surface平板电脑。

    Julie Larson-Green will continue to run the Devices and Studios team , and will be focused on the big launches this fall including Xbox One and our Surface enhancements .

  29. 在被问到导演丈夫参演影片的过程时,朱莉•皮特告诉《名利场》(VanityFair),有几位朋友问我们是不是疯了。

    Asked about the process of directing her husband , Ms Jolie Pitt told Vanity Fair , A few friends asked if we were crazy .

  30. 据NPR新闻的朱莉·罗夫纳报道,这项法案的争论依然很激烈。

    And as NPR 's Julie Rovner reports debate over the measure is still raging .