
sū shān
  • Susan;Suzanne;Susan Boyle;Susan Sarandon
  1. 是苏珊使我注意到这个问题的。

    It was Susan who brought the problem to my notice .

  2. “他会回来的。”苏珊安慰她道。

    ' He 'll come back , ' Susan assured her .

  3. “你错了。”苏珊插嘴说。

    ‘ You 're wrong , ’ interjected Susan .

  4. 苏珊要提前退休。

    Susan is going to take early retirement .

  5. 苏珊是医生。

    Susan is a doctor .

  6. 苏珊话到嘴边又咽了回去。

    Susan bit back the words she would like to have said

  7. 苏珊和德博拉两个人都极端自私和自我。

    Susan and Deborah share an intensely selfish , egotistic streak .

  8. 他对妮古拉的挚爱完全转移到了苏珊身上。

    His transference of devotion from Nicola to Susan was complete .

  9. 当我们到达苏珊家时,她非常热情。

    When we arrived at her house Susan was very welcoming

  10. 我有预感和苏珊共事会很融洽。

    I had a hunch that Susan and I would work well together

  11. 苏珊精神崩溃,被诊断为得了精神分裂症。

    Susan had a mental breakdown and was diagnosed with schizophrenia

  12. 这些年来我对苏珊的感情发生了变化。

    My feelings towards Susan have changed over the years .

  13. 苏珊向他作了自我介绍,并询问他的近况。

    Susan introduced herself to him and asked him how he was .

  14. 他从来没想过自己和苏珊会和解。

    He never believed he and Susan would be reconciled

  15. 相信我,苏珊,我实在感到抱歉。

    Believe me , Susan , I am truly sorry

  16. 苏珊不禁有点儿恼火。

    Susan couldn 't help feeling a little peeved .

  17. 苏珊心目中的自由就是拥有丰富多彩的生活。

    Susan 's idea of freedom was to have variety in her life style

  18. 苏珊是个非常聪明、有主见的女子。

    Susan 's a very bright and intelligent woman who knows her own mind .

  19. 如果苏珊不在,我就随便看看打发时间好了。

    If Susanne is off somewhere , I 'll kill time by looking around some

  20. 电话线路不太好。苏珊,我们再打给你好吗?

    It 's not a very good line . Shall we call you back Susan ?

  21. 自从苏珊离开后,他再也不提“爱情”这个词了。

    Love was a word he 'd erased from his vocabulary since Susan 's going .

  22. 苏珊在座位上扭来扭去,直到她看见身后的格雷厄姆和萨布丽娜。

    Susan twisted round in her seat until she could see Graham and Sabrina behind her

  23. 苏珊对细节精益求精,所以每件衣裙都做得非常漂亮。

    Susan has a keen eye for detail , so each dress is beautifully finished off .

  24. 苏珊无疑一心想过一种和现在不同的生活。

    Susan was certainly hungry for a life different from the one she had made for herself

  25. 苏珊想象着婚礼日当天的情景——自己挽着父亲的手臂走在教堂的过道上。

    Susan visualized her wedding day and saw herself walking down the aisle on her father 's arm

  26. 苏珊似乎因为什么事而烦躁不安。

    Susan seemed agitated about something

  27. 她受洗时取名苏珊。

    She was christened Susan .

  28. 苏珊继续住在市郊。

    Susan continued to live uptown

  29. 一个多星期以前,确切地说是周四晚上,苏珊在夜校上课。

    More than a week ago , Thursday evening to be precise , Susanne was at her evening class

  30. 他娶了第四个老婆苏珊,徒然希望她能使他健康状况好转。

    He married his fourth wife , Susan , in the vain hope that she would improve his health .