
  1. 苏小姐努嘴道:“你真不爽气

    Puckering her lips , she replied , " You really are being silly !

  2. 苏小姐做人极大方;

    Miss su , however , was very generous to him .

  3. 鸿渐有气无力地恳请苏小姐别送自己。

    Hung-chien limply implored Miss Su not to see him home .

  4. 苏小姐脸红,骂她:“你这人最坏!”

    Miss Su blushed and scolded her ," you 're awful . "

  5. 苏小姐临别时的态度,冷缩了方鸿渐的高兴。

    Miss su 's parting manner dampened Fang hung-chien 's high spirits .

  6. 苏小姐参加派对时,玩得很痛快。

    Miss Su had a ( real ) blast at the party .

  7. “苏小姐,你收到我的信没有?”

    " Miss su , did you get my letter "

  8. 苏小姐会不会大讲坏话,破人好事?

    Would miss Su spread malicious tales and ruin everything for me ?

  9. 鸿渐笑她只知道个苏小姐。

    Hung-chien laughed at her for only knowing about a miss su .

  10. 她说她也许去,可是她不信苏小姐真害病。

    She replied she might but doubted Miss Su was really sick .

  11. 他知道苏小姐的效劳是不好随便领情的;

    He knew that her services were not to be taken casually ;

  12. “好让你专有苏小姐。”

    " So you could have Miss Su all to yourself - "

  13. 你是不是苏小姐,要找方鸿渐?

    Are you miss su ? You want to speak to Fang hung-chien .

  14. 苏小姐工作表现奇佳,值得庆贺。

    Miss Su deserves a pat on the back for doing a super job .

  15. 苏小姐心里又舒服了。左心室舒张性心力衰竭的治疗及护理

    With that Miss Su felt better . Nursing of Left Ventricle Diastolic Heart Failure

  16. 苏小姐骂方鸿渐无耻,实在是冤枉。

    Miss su 's condemnation of Fang Hung-chien for being shameless was actually unjust .

  17. 苏小姐也紧张难看。

    Miss Su was also a nervous wreck .

  18. 苏小姐把地址给方鸿渐,要他去玩。

    Miss Su gave Fang Hung-chien her address and asked him to come see her .

  19. 苏小姐心里又舒服了。

    With that Miss Su felt better .

  20. 方鸿渐红了脸傻傻一笑便撇了苏小姐走去。

    Fang Hung-chien blushed and gave a silly smile , then walked away from Miss su .

  21. 理想中倒不是苏小姐读这封信,而是唐小姐读它。

    In his imagination , it was not Miss Su but Miss Tang reading the letter .

  22. 赵辛楣看苏小姐留住方鸿渐,奋然而出。

    When Chao Hsin-mei saw Miss Su detain Fang hung-chien , he left in a huff .

  23. 苏小姐目送他走了,还坐在亭子里。她那时坐在村口的凉亭里面。

    Miss Su 's eyes followed him out , while she remained seated in the pavilion .

  24. 我那位朋友苏小姐,新诗做得非常好,对旧诗也很能欣赏。

    My friend Miss Su writes excellent new-style poetry and has a great appreciation for old-style poetry .

  25. 方鸿渐恨不得把苏小姐瘦身体里每根骨头都捏为石灰粉。

    Fang wished he could have crushed every bone in Miss Su 's thin body to lime powder .

  26. 苏小姐格格笑道:“算你有理,明天见。”

    Miss Su giggled and said ," ok , you win . I 'll see you tomorrow . "

  27. 鸿渐忽然有个可怕的怀疑,苏小姐是大笨蛋,还是撒谎精。

    Hung-chien suddenly had the alarming suspicion that Miss Su was either a big idiot or a superb liar .

  28. 汽车到周家,苏小姐命令周家的门房带自己汽车夫扶鸿渐进去。

    When the car reached the Chous , Miss Su ordered the Chous'doorman to help her chauffeur take Hung-chien inside .

  29. 苏小姐不敢皱眉,轻快地拿手帕抹去手臂上的飞抹。

    Miss Su did not dare frown as she lightly dabbed with her handkerchief at the splattered drops on her arm .

  30. 苏小姐笑道:“快去罢,不怕人等得心焦么?”

    Miss Su said with a smile ," you 'd better hurry . aren 't you afraid someone will get impatient ?"