
  • 网络soviet education
  1. 1949到1957年是全面学习并对苏联教育模式进行移植的时期;

    From 1949 to 1957 , it was a copying and replanting period of Soviet education mode .

  2. 新中国教育发展道路实际上中国学习苏联教育模式并不断调适的过程。

    Education developing path of PRC actually was a course of learning out of Soviet education mode with continual readjustment .

  3. 论苏联教育理论对中国教育的影响

    Influence of Soviet Union 's Educational Theory on Chinese Education

  4. 建国初湖北高校学习前苏联教育经验的回顾与反思

    A Reflection of Learning the Ex-Soviet 's Educational Experience in universities in Hubei

  5. 中国大学学习苏联教育经验开展教学改革的历史回顾&以清华大学为案例

    Historical Retrospect of Teaching Reforms in Tsinghua University with the Educational Experience of Soviet Uninion

  6. 他在吸收、传播西方与苏联教育理论和探索教育现代化、本土化的过程中,做了创造性的工作。

    Engrossed he is in absorption and dissemination of the educational theories popular in the west and Russia , which he applies creatively to the educational modernization in China .

  7. 从1949到1960年间,随着国民经济和高等教育的发展,我国聘请苏联教育专家经历了不同的发展阶段,并体现出了不同的特点。

    From 1949 to 1960 , with the development of national economy and higher education , China went through several stages in employing Soviet Union experts , and each stage revealed different features .

  8. 经历的是再平凡不过苏联教育:他学术才能平庸,毕业于一所烹饪学院,之后在乔治亚和一家警犬训练学校服兵役。

    He had " a very ordinary Soviet upbringing " : an academic mediocrity , he ended up at culinary college , then did his military service in Georgia and at a dog-training school .

  9. 在苏联教育模式影响下,初等教育、中等教育体系重新调整,高等教育进一步扩充,技术教育、师范教育快速推进,扫盲教育基本终结。

    Modeled by ex-Soviet education , primary and secondary educational systems got readjusted , higher education greatly expanded , technical and normal education pushed forward rapidly and literacy education basically drawing to a close .

  10. 特别是我国儒家传统教育理念以及前苏联教育模式的影响,导致了今天的英语教育在很大程度上仍沿袭传统教育模式。

    The effect of china 's traditional educational idea and the education mode of USSR in particular led to the situation that today 's TEFL still follows the traditional education mode to a great extent .

  11. 五十年代引进苏联教育模式强调素描是一切造型艺术的基础之方针更成为中国各大美术院校不断沿袭的中国画基础教学的统一模式。

    The Soviet education model introduced in 1950s argues " sketches is the basis for all modeling art " and this policy has been accepted and inherited by most painting academe as a uniform model to give the basic Chinese painting education .

  12. 20世纪50年代,学习前苏联教育经验作为改革原有高等教育的一项重要战略举措,它为新中国重庆高校的建设提供了重要的参照依据,推动了重庆高校的改造和正规化发展的步伐。

    In the 1950s it was an important strategy to borrow the former Soviet education experiences to reform the local colleges and universities , which provided significant references for the construction of higher learning institutions in Chongqing at that period of time .

  13. 但高等教育在膨胀的同时,对突破苏联教育模式也进行了有益的探索,并为以后全省高校的发展在专业及科研上奠定了初步的基础。

    However , in the course of such expansion , a beneficial exploration was also made into the former Soviet educational mode , laying an initial foundation in terms of specialty and scientific research for the development of colleges and universities province-wide .

  14. 政治素质过硬的新闻宣传者的政治需要是重要的价值取向;由于苏联教育模式的引入和计划经济的推行,主张又红又专的专才教育。

    The political necessity of " news publicist with tough political quality " is the major value orientation ; It maintained the value orientation of professional education with " red and experts " by leading in the Soviet educational modes and spreading the plan economy .

  15. 苏联高等教育模式形成的历史考察

    The Formation of the Soviet Higher Education from Historical Perspective

  16. 试论苏联高等教育模式及其影响因素

    On the Higher Education Model of Soviet Union and its Influencial Factors

  17. 不可否认,前苏联的教育体系有自身的缺陷:学习基本上都是死记硬背。

    Admittedly the Soviet education system had its defects - learning was largely by rote .

  18. 对苏联高等教育模式概念进行了讨论,概述了苏联高等教育模式性质和特点,分析了政治、经济、文化、理论等方面的影响因素。

    The concept of the higher education model of Soviet Union was discussed and its nature and characteristics were reviewed .

  19. 第三部分分析了苏联法学教育模式对新中国法学教育的具体影响;

    In Chapter 3 , it describes the concrete influences , which referred to law educational model from the Soviet Union .

  20. 由于俄罗斯职业教育与苏联职业教育有着天然的联系,因此这一部分首先对苏联职业教育做了一个简要的回顾。

    Because the Russian vocational education has natural contacting with the Soviet vocational education , therefore this part first has made a brief review to the Soviet vocational education .

  21. 虽然前苏联的教育改革在不同的时期有不同的重点,但是全面发展个性,最大限度地实现每个人的才能始终是前苏联教育的主要目的。

    Education reform of former Soviet Union had different characters in different periods , but " Completely develop personality and maximum fulfill personal talent " has always been its major purpose .

  22. 新中国成立后,苏联美术教育对我国油画创作和教学体系的建立和发展产生了深刻的影响,为我国美术创作和教学培养了大批人才;

    After the New China was established , artistic education in USSR had great influence on Chinese oil painting and the building and development of teaching system that cultivated lots of qualified painters and teachers .

  23. 新中国成立初期,为学习苏联先进教育经验,我国教育界引进了大量苏联的教育著作,这些著作中涉及到的有关集体主义教育理论的内容成为学习的对象。

    Of China . During the initial period when new China founded , to learn advanced education experience from USSR , lots of education works from USSR disseminated into China , contents talking about collectivism education in these works became the object we would learn .

  24. 苏联继续医学教育的几个特点

    Features of continuing medical education in the Soviet Union

  25. 无论如何,重新建立起前苏联式的教育系统的雄心勃勃的计划被资金短缺和师资力量的匮乏所牵制。

    However , its ambitious program to restructure the Soviet educational system is hampered by low funding and loss of teachers .

  26. 由于多种原因,我们吸收和借鉴苏联的法学教育模式存在必然性。

    Because of many kinds of reasons , it is unavoidable that we absorbed and referred to law educational model from the Soviet Union .

  27. 前苏联一贯重视教育,并曾拥有一套完整严密、标准严格、行之有效的教育制度。

    The Soviet always paid more attention the education , and it had a while set full - scale , strict - standard , effective educational system .

  28. 陈逸飞曾接受苏联画派的教育,当时社会现实主义的主导题材限制了艺术家的创作突破。

    Chen received the Russian style of artistic education heavily dominated by social realism in subject matter , which had restrained many Chinese artists from making artistic breakthroughs at that time .

  29. 在当今信息社会和知识经济时代,传统教育由于沿袭前苏联僵化的教育体制与结构,教育发展严重滞后,在数学学科教育方面表现尤为突出。

    With the information society and intellectual economy develops , the traditional education has been time-lagging because it follows the rigid education system of former Soviet Union and adopts the same frame of teaching materials as former Soviet Union . This kind of situation is more serious in mathematical education .

  30. 苏联的集体主义教育理论在教育实践领域同样留下了很深的烙印。

    The same deep influence went into practice area when collectivism education theory from USSR disseminated into China .