
  • 网络Studies on elementary mathematics
  1. 《初等数学研究》四R教学设计初探

    4R instructional design on elementary mathematics research

  2. 《初等数学研究》要突出数学思想方法的研究

    Stress on Method of Thinking in the Study of Elementary Mathematics

  3. 初等数学研究课程改革初探&面向21世纪师范教育思考之一

    On the teaching reform of the curriculum elementary mathematics study

  4. 初等数学研究课的教学建议

    The Teaching Propose of " Elementary Mathematical Research " Subject

  5. 在《初等数学研究》课程中开展研究性学习,是一项前所未有的教学改革实践。

    Adopting Inquiry Learning in Elementary Mathematics Study course is a new teaching reform .

  6. 突出初等数学研究课程的研究功能

    An Opinion of Protruding the Function of Study in the Course of Elementary Mathematics Studies

  7. 新课改下高师《初等数学研究》课程教学改革对策

    On Teaching Reform Of Elementary Mathematics Research in Normal colleges in the Background of New Curriculum Reform

  8. 主要谈了关于《初等数学研究》教学内容改革的指导思想,内容设计和呈现等问题。

    This peper mainly talked about some problems of guiding thought , designing the contents and con-strcating the course of " Elementary Mathematics Study " .

  9. 谈用几何方法解代数问题&初等数学之研究

    To solve algebraic problems by geometrical intuition & elementary mathematics study

  10. 浅谈用现代数学观点对初等数学学习和研究的指导作用

    On the Guiding Function of Modern Views of Mathematics on the Study and Research of Elementary Mathematics

  11. 本文通过对数学分析思想、观点、原理、方法的分析,说明了数学分析对初等数学的教学与研究的指导意义。

    This article introduces the guide significance of the mathematical analysis to the teaching & study of the elementary mathematics by analysing the idea , view , principle and method of the mathematical analysis .

  12. 中学数学课程改革对未来数学教师的数学素养提出了更高的要求,以提高本科生初等数学素养为宗旨的《初等数学研究》课程的开设面临挑战。

    Mathematics curriculum reform in middle school requires mathematics teachers to possess higher diathesis of mathematics . So we must reform the curriculum of Research on Elementary Mathematics whose main purpose is to raise the math diathesis of the undergraduates .