
  • 网络mixed mathematics
  1. 计算导体涡流分布的FEM-IEM混合数学模型

    A Hybrid FEM-IEM Mathematical Model for Calculation of Eddy Current Distribution in Conductor

  2. 精馏塔静态仿真Ⅰ.静动态混合数学模型的应用

    STEADY STATE SIMULATION OF DISTILLATION COLUMNS ⅰ . Application of a Combined Steady-Dynamic State Model

  3. 运用早先开发的聚合反应器微观混合数学模型,研究了微观混合对苯乙烯本体热聚合反应的反应速度和产品质量的影响。

    The effect of micromixing on polymerization reaction speed and product quality of thermal bulk polymerization of styrene was studied with mathematical model of micromixing for polymerization reactors developed early .

  4. 分析了天然气长输管线系统的实际运行规律,建立了带压气站的长输管线静、动态混合数学模型,并对其进行求解,得出了长输管线的一般运行规律。

    The article analyze the practice operation regulations of natural gas long transmitting pipeline system , establish long transmitting pipeline mixed dynamic and static model with gas compressor station and found it solution to get its commonly operation regulations .

  5. 高涡流中燃油喷雾混合的数学模型研究

    A Mathematical Model for the Fuel Spray Mixing under High Swirl Conditions

  6. 射频信号混合网络数学模型数值分析

    Numerical analysis of maths model of radio signal mixing network

  7. 采用非线性混合整数数学规划方法,得到的供应链成本最小。

    Using non-linear mixed integer programming method , minimal cost was attained .

  8. 柴油机喷雾两相流蒸发混合的数学模型研究

    A Two-Phase Flow Model for the Prediction of the Evaporation Spray Mixing Process in Diesel Engines

  9. 并根据简单图的同构判定理论,提出了基于混合支路数学模型的同构混合开关拓扑辨识方法。

    A method of identifying isomorphic hybrid switching topology based on mathematical model of hybrid branch is proposed .

  10. 摘要利用混合池数学模型,选择于学敏动力学方程对异丙苯氧化反应工艺进行了模拟计算。

    The simulation calculation for the cumene oxidation processing with Yu Xuemin 's dynamic equation was adopted the mathematics model of mixed tank .

  11. 通过对裂缝中气液二相流体临界渗流现象的分析推理,建立描述这一现象的随机混合渗流数学模型。

    Based on analyzing the micro critical seepage phenomena of gas-liquid two-phase flow in a single fracture , a random and compound mathematical model was constructed to describe this phenomenon .

  12. 针对油气集输系统障碍拓扑布局优化问题,以管线长度最短为目标函数,以节点隶属关系唯一性,节点处理能力和几何位置等为约束条件,建立了二级混合规划数学模型。

    A bilevel hybrid topological layout optimization model for oil-gas gathering and transferring system was established , in which the minimal pipeline length was taken as the objective function , and the unique memberships , the processing capacity and geometrical position of nodes were taken as the constraint conditions .

  13. 合并了RA和MA准则建立了混合资源分配数学模型,在建立的数学模型基础上,我们提出了改进的资源分配算法。

    By combine RA and MA criteria , this dissertation constructs the heterogeneous resource allocation mathematical model . Based on the proposed model , the improved resource allocation algorithm is proposed .

  14. 然后构造分级超结构模型,这是一个混合整数非线性数学规划(MINLP)模型。

    Then , based on the stage-wise superstructure model , the mathematical model of the HEN is expressed in a Mixed Integer Non-Linear mathematical Programming model ( MINLP ) .

  15. 为了得到瞬态特性,建立了六相异步电动机在静止d-q-0坐标系下的混合磁链瞬态数学模型。

    To get the transient state performances , the mathematics model with mixed magnetic linkage of six-phase asynchronous machines was proposed in d-q-0 stationary reference frame .

  16. 受限同轴射流的混合特性及数学模型

    Mathematical Models and Experiment on Gas Mixing of Confined Coaxial Jets

  17. 一种三相交流混合磁轴承数学模型与性能分析

    Mathematics model and performance analysis for a 3-phase AC hybrid magnetic bearings

  18. 本文在考虑计算精度的基础上,选取了简便的计算混合工质数学模型。

    Based on the calculation precision , the simple calculation model is established .

  19. 湘江长沙段的混合过程及其数学模拟

    Mixing process and its numerical modeling in the Changsa section of the Xiangjiang river

  20. 不同窑型熟料混合粉磨的数学模拟接触点模型

    Contacting model of mathematical modeling for the inter-grinding of clinkers from different type of kiln

  21. 多孔喷吹钢包内流动和混合过程的数学物理模拟

    Mathematical and physical modeling of flow and mixing in ladles stirred by argon through multi-tuyere

  22. 提出了预测直喷式柴油机燃油喷雾蒸发和混合过程的数学模型。

    A simplified mathematical model for predicting the mixture forming and evaporating process of the fuel spray in the D.

  23. 本文提出了将非线性成本函数分段线性化,再用δ方法建立线性混合整数规划数学模型,并用此软件进行求解。

    Sectional linearization of the function with subsequent solution of the problem by using the delta method of mixed integer programming is suggested .

  24. 研究了双转子连续混炼机的混炼过程和混炼原理,并建立了混合过程的数学和物理模型。

    The mixing process and mechanism of two rotor continuous mixer were investigated , and the mathematical and physical models of mixing process were established .

  25. 文章首先通过对航空救生试验仿真系统的分析,提出了一种基于演绎型数学仿真和归纳型数学仿真相结合的混合型的数学仿真方法。

    The paper firstly analyzes aviation ejection experimentation simulation system and presents an composite math simulation methods based on deduction math simulation and induction math simulation .

  26. 然后,在分析混合型的数学仿真关键技术基础上,文章提出了实现方案、实现步骤,并建立了一个初步原型;

    Then after analyzing critical technology of the composite math simulation method , the paper puts forward an implementation scheme and steps and sets up a prototype .

  27. 本文针对水泵的运行特性,建立火电厂给水泵系统运行优化的混合整数规划数学模型。

    According to the operating characteristics of water pump , the mix integer linear programming optimization model of thermal power plant water pump system is established in this paper .

  28. 文章分析了交换技术原理,并基于该原理构建交换混合矩阵的数学模型,并对系统设计实现方案进行了详细的论述。

    The mathematical model of this matrix is built by analyzing the switch theory . A detailed explanation for the design and realization of the system is also presented .

  29. 文中系统研究了运用离散事件系统理论测试数模混合电路的数学模型,并验证了其可行性,这样数字电路和模拟电路就能够在一个统一的框架内进行可测试性分析及故障诊断。

    It was proved that the model was feasible to deal with the fault diagnosis and the testability of the digital and analog parts in the circuits with an uniform frame .

  30. 基于有限元-差分混合方法的数学模型,编制了钢筋混凝土结构的内部温度场分析程序,计算结果与现有的国内外试验结果吻合较好。

    Based on the hybrid mathematic model of finite element-difference , the analysis program of the internal temperature field are developed , and the computing results show in good agreement with the existing test results .