
hùn hé ɡuǎn
  • Mixing tube;mixing chamber
  1. SOI栅控混合管(GCHT)集电极电流的分区模型

    Piecewise Model for Collector Current in SOI Gate Controlled Hybrid Transistor

  2. SOI退火推进型栅控混合管的实验研究

    Experimental Study of SOI Drive-in Gate Controlled Hybrid Transistor with Annealing

  3. 低压应用中的SOI栅控混合管的设计考虑

    Design Guidelines for SOI Gate Controlled Hybrid Transistor Operating at Low Voltage

  4. 硅膜厚度对SOI栅控混合管性能的影响

    Effect of Silicon Film Thickness on Performance of SOI Gate Controlled Hybrid Transistor

  5. 混合管面积和位置对排气引射器性能的影响

    Effect of mixing tube area and position on performances for lobed ejector

  6. 新型乳化器静态混合管的研究

    Study on a New Type Emulsifier - Tubular Static Mixer

  7. 燃料混合管压形缩管模设计

    The Necking Die for the Fuel - Mixing Pipes

  8. 射流混药装置混合管流场数值计算

    Numerical Computation of Mixing Pipe Flow-Field in Jet Mixing Apparatus for Pesticide Mixture

  9. 关于喷水减温器混合管压瘪原因的分析

    Analysis of Mixing Tube Collapse Failures in Spray Attemperators

  10. 斜拉悬索混合管桥桥面位移变化分析

    The analysis of the bridge deck displacement changes of cable-stayed-suspension mixing pipe bridge

  11. 圆排波瓣弯曲混合管引射实验与数值模拟

    Experimental and Numerical Study of Ejection Characteristics of Circular Lobe Ejector with Bend Mixers

  12. 排气引射系统主要由二个部件组成,即引射主管与排气混合管。

    Exhaust ejector system is composed of exhaust primary nozzle and ejecting mixing duct .

  13. 弯曲混合管引射系统气动特性实验研究

    Technical notes a preliminary experimental study on aerodynamic charateristics in ejector with curved mixing duct

  14. 波瓣喷管-狭长出口弯曲混合管引射混合特性分析

    Investigation on Ejecting and Mixing Characteristics of Lobed Nozzle with Curved Mixing Duct and Slot Exit

  15. 直升机发动机红外抑制器弯曲混合管引射掺混效果试验研究

    Experimental Study of Pumping and Mixing Effect of the Helicopter Engine Infrared Suppressor with Curved Mixing Duct

  16. 也有44段乐章长的混合管弦乐代表他们的神性合一。

    There is also a combined orchestra of sound that is44 scores long that represents their divine union .

  17. 对实验结果进行分析,指出喷嘴轴向位置,混合管长度对引射器特性的影响。

    From the experimental results the effects of nozzle axial position and mixer tube length upon ejector characteristic are revealed .

  18. 结果表明:冷气掺混具有降低排气温度和混合管壁面温度的双重作用,其降温效果在大引射流量比下更为显著;

    The results show that ambient air mixing plays a dual role for reducing the exhaust temperature and mixing duct temperature .

  19. 并对连续方程和能量方程进行求解,获得了混合管内过热蒸汽质量流量和过热度的变化图。

    Through solving continuity equation and energy equations , the mass flow and the degree of superheat changing map in the mixing duct are obtained .

  20. 文中对红外抑制器对比试验控制参数、混合管壁面温度及红外辐射强度都列表进行比较,从而说明这种红外抑制器模型,如果放大尺寸比例应用于涡轮轴发动机上,也会收到同样的效果。

    Therefore , if the size of this infrared suppression model is amplified to apply to real turboshaft engines , the same effects can be got .

  21. 实验研究了混合管与喷嘴面积比为1.49、2.07和3.03三种新型喷雾混药装置的性能。

    In an experimental program three spraying mixing apparatus with mixing pipe to nozzle area ratios of 1 49 、 2 07 and 3 03 were operated .

  22. 并对混合管壁面的压力分布和出口速度型与实验值进行了比较。

    Comparisons were also made between computational and experimental data of pressure distribution on the wall of the mixing duct and velocity distribution on the exit of the duct .

  23. 实验发现外套出口和混合管之间夹层存在气流倒流现象,倒流平均速度随着主喷管流量和下洗气流速度增加而增加。

    The averaged gas velocity of flowing backward between the exhausting duct and the mixture tube increases with the rise of the main nozzle flux and the downwash flow velocity .

  24. 对比试验研究了4种不同的圆波瓣主喷管和2种二元波瓣主喷管与3种混合管的12种排气引射系统的组合方案的气动和红外辐射性能。

    Twelve combinations of four circular lobed nozzles and two 2-D lobed nozzles with three mixing tubes of exhaust ejector system have been investigated experimentally to study their aerodynamic and infrared performance .

  25. 导出了在进出口气流不均匀及气流与混合管壁面间存在摩擦损失的条件下,排气引射系统的抽吸系数、损失系数及动量修正系数等主要气动性能参数的表达式。

    The expressions of pumping coefficient , loss coefficient and momentum correction factor of exhaust ejector systems are presented considering the effect of non-uniformity of gas flow and friction loss on the systems .

  26. 针对混合管的结构参数开展了系列研究,获得了混合管截面比和长径比对于引射系数和热混合效率的影响趋势。

    And a series of numerical studies is performed to obtain the effects of area ratio and length-to-diameter ratio of mixing duct on pumping coefficient and thermal mixing efficiency of a lobed mixer-ejector .

  27. 其次建立了风粉混合管的物理模型,根据其实际流动传热情况选用随机轨道模型进行计算。

    Secondly , this paper builds up the physical model of the gas-solid mixture pipe , on the basis of actual flow and heat transfer in the pipe , uses the particle stochastic trajectory model to numerate .

  28. 采用1000℃烧结的纯叶蜡石管,叶蜡石氧化镁混合管与石英管做反应容器材料,分别进行了宝石级金刚石的合成研究。

    The synthesis experiments of growing gem diamond are carried out with three kinds of ( reaction ) - cell container , namely pure pyrophyllite tube sintered under 1000 ℃, powder-mixture tube of ( pyrophyllite ) and MgO , and quartz tube .

  29. 研究发现:混合管中的饱和水蒸发过程快慢,最主要取决于四个因素:水珠初始直径、饱和水质量流量、过热度和相对速度。

    It is found that the volume evaporation rate in the mixing tube mostly depends on three factors : the initial diameter of the droplet , the degree of superheat , the mass flow of saturated water and relative velocity between superheat vapor and saturated water .

  30. 以芦苇造纸黑液酸沉木质素为原料,使用流化床在500℃下炭化5min,再将其与K2CO3以1∶2比例混合转入管式炉中,在900℃下活化60min。

    The activated carbon was produced from reed black liquor lignin by pre-carbonized in the fluidized bed at 500 ℃ for 5 min and then mixed with K2CO3 at the ratio of 1 ∶ 2 , followed by a 60 min activation at 900 ℃ in the tubular furnace .