
  • 网络Mixed Music;CROSSOVER;fusion music
  1. 基于内容分析和点击率记录的混合音乐推荐系统

    Hybrid Music Recommender System Based on Music Analysis and Rating Scores

  2. 这新的无线电台用的是甚高频频率,可以混合播出音乐和谈话。

    The new radio station , which is on a VHF frequency , will provide a mixture of music and talk .

  3. 这也许是最混合在音乐室,在一个中立的调色板和传统的马车是由英国国旗饮誉枕头和甲壳虫乐队的鼓了明显的葡萄酒商店在伦敦成立。

    This blend is perhaps most obvious in the music room , where a neutral palette and a traditional chaise are jazzed up by Union Jack pillows and a Beatles drum set from vintage shops in London .

  4. 基于高斯混合模型流行音乐中歌唱部分的智能检测

    GMM Based Intelligent Detection of the Vocal Segment in Popular Music

  5. 在中国关于形式的美学理论中,形式A与形式B的概念常被混合使用。2.音乐内容的概念。

    In the Chinese aesthetic theories of form , these two senses have more than often been mixed . Second , the concept of content in music .

  6. 本文要研究的混合乐音信号分离是指从多音混合音乐信号中分离得到参与演奏的各个乐器或某个特定乐器的声音。

    Music Source Separation refers to the problem of extracting each single instrument sound or some specific instrument sounds from the mixture .