
  1. 为了解决这个问题,协作分集技术应运而生,其基本思想是将协作伙伴的天线与自身天线看成基站的多个发射天线,形成虚拟MIMO系统,从而获得空间分集增益,提高传输性能。

    To overcome this problem , cooperative diversity was proposed . In cooperative networks , the antennas of both a terminal and its partners form a virtual MIMO system , where the diversity gain is obtained and the transmission performance is improved .

  2. 介绍了一种低伤害LMWF压裂液,它用改性的低分子量瓜尔胶配成基液,经硼交联得到LMWF压裂液。

    A low damage fracturing fluid referred to as low molecular weight fracturing ( LMWF ) fluid was presented , which was prepared with modified low molecular weight guar gum as base fluid and boron as crosslinking agent .

  3. DBF文件转换成ORACLE基表的实现

    A software for realization of transforming DBF file into Oracle table

  4. 方法用生物素将体外制备的糖基化终产物(AGEs-BSA)标记成配基,以细胞化学法显示细胞表面受体高亲和性结合。

    Methods AGEs-BSA prepared in vitro was labeled with biotin to demonstrate binding of AGEs to receptor for AGEs ( RAGE ) . High affinity binding of cell surface was shown with cell chemistry method .

  5. 研究发现:以TBH为成膜基料,添加10g空心玻璃微珠和2g堇青石填料,制备出的复合型外墙隔热涂料的热反射率达91.67%。

    Research shows that the heat reflectance of the compound outer wall heat-insulated paint prepared with the TBH emulsion as base , 10g hollow glass micro-pellet and 2g cordierite as fillings reaches 91.67 % .

  6. 本文报道了相转移催化条件下异成烯基苯甲酸酯的合成。

    Synthesis of prenyl benzoate under phase transfer catalysis was reported .

  7. 实现一个可靠的服务注册产品,并将其定位成支撑基设的标准部分。

    Implement a reliable service registry product and position it as a standard part of the supporting infrastructure .

  8. 毛发硫营养不良:采用叠氮化钠依赖的氧化技术把半胱氨酸氧化成磺基丙氨酸测定人毛发和甲中半胱氨酸的含量

    Trichothiodystrophy : Quantification of cysteine in human hair and nails by application of sodium azide-dependent oxidation to cysteic acid

  9. 将经过二次活化处理的活性炭材料制作的电极片组装成碳基电化学电容器。

    The electrochemical storage of energy was considered in a special kind of active carbon materials used as capacitor electrodes .

  10. 利用红外辐射测温原理,设计成半导体基片上激光焦斑温度不接触测量系统。

    With IR temperature-measuring principle , a non-contact measuring system for measuring laser spot temperature on semiconductor substrate is designed .

  11. 通过实验及可靠性考核,制出了高精度、高可靠性的具有双方阻结构的混合集成电路薄膜电阻成膜基片。

    A high-precision and high reliable HIC thin film resistor film forming substrate with two sheet resistances structure is fabricated through experiments and reliability tests .

  12. 结果表明,通过控制烧结温度的各参数,可优化成BaTiO3基热敏电阻的电性能。

    The results show that the preparation of BaTiO_3-based chip PTCR with good electrical property could be made easier by controlling the parameters of sinter-system .

  13. 本文介绍了热固性环氧粉末涂料用的各类固化剂,以及环氧聚酯和聚酯粉末涂料用的成膜基料,对其进行选择性评论。环氧聚酯水性涂料的制备与涂装

    This paper discussed the hardeners and binders and film properties of thermosetting epoxy and polyester powder coatings . PREPARATION AND FINISHING OF WATERBORNE EPOXY-POLYURETHANE PAINT

  14. 叠氮端基聚N-异丙基丙烯酰胺的合成与表征聚丁二烯经一系列反应转变成丙啶基化合物(聚丁二烯亚胺)。

    A Strategy for Synthesis of Azido-Terminated Poly ( N-Isopropyl Acrylamide ) Polybutadiene is changed to an aziridinyl compound ( polybutadieneimine ) by a series of reactions .

  15. 从塑料涂料的成膜基料、涂料性能、施工应用等方面,阐述了国内外塑料涂料的研究现状,并提出了塑料涂料研究存在的问题与发展要求。

    This article has described the latest progress of plastic coatings at home and abroad , in terms of the binders , film performance and it application .

  16. 通过不断摸索和改造完善,陆续解决了生产中暴露出的众多难题,成功实现了重油气化装置工艺改造成煤基多元料浆气化工艺,填补了国内化工生产装置改造的空白历史。

    The heavy oil gasification process was successfully transformed into coal-based multi-component slurry gasification process , which filled the blank transformation history of this kind of domestic chemical plant .

  17. 根据小波包变换的的特点,在产生最好基子空间的基础上,阐述把最好基子空间转换成最好基子空间数值表示形式的方法。

    Upon production the best base , the method which transform the best base child space into the numerical value denote format of the best base child space has been expatiated .

  18. 最好的诱导体细胞胚成苗培养基是MS无激素培养基。

    The best conversion medium was a hormone-free MS medium .

  19. 用Suresh成囊培养基培养的包囊圆形或椭圆形,中心体色淡,内有大小不等的孢子体。

    The cysts in Suresh cyst medium culture were round or ellipse , the color of the centrosome was weak , and there were different sizes of sporophytes ;

  20. 其中,一次成苗培养基、M8培养基和SH培养基花培绿苗率分别为0.37%,0.21%和0.14%,表明一次成苗培养基更适合于本研究的籼稻花药培养。

    The green shoot regeneration frequencies were 0.37 % with PPA-based one-step medium , 0.21 % with M8 medium and 0.14 % with SH medium . It indicated that the PAA based one-step medium was most effective in the anther culture of indica genotypes .

  21. 方法从粪便分离人芽囊原虫,转种至改良的Jones培养基培养72h后,再转种至混合纤维素脂微孔滤膜成囊培养基和Suresh成囊培养基中培养。

    Methods B. hominis were detached from human feces , and then turned to improved Jones medium culture for 72 hours , then turned into synthetic fabric element grease tiny hole dialyzer cyst culture medium and Suresh cyst medium culture .

  22. 方法:通过体外培养低传代的人毛乳头细胞,收集其上清配制成条件培养基,用此条件培养基培养高传代人毛乳头细胞,观察其细胞的3H-TdR计数值及细胞超微结构的变化。

    Methods : The cultured medium of lower passage HDPCs was collected and prepared as the conditioned medium . Using this conditioned medium , the higher passage HPDCs were cultured . Then the 3H-TdR incorporation and the ultrastructure of cultured HDPCs were observed .

  23. 关于成层土地基极限承载力的计算方法

    Methods for estimating the ultimate bearing capacity of layered foundations

  24. 成层土地基基础极限承载力的模型试验研究

    Model Testing and Study of Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Foundations on Layered Soils

  25. MS+1.0%琼脂+3%蔗糖是适宜的成苗培养基;

    MS added with 1.0 % agar and 3 % sucrose was suitable medium for the plantlet formation .

  26. 最后将萌发10~15天的胚转移到成苗培养基上使之生根直接成苗。

    10 ~ 15days after germination , the recovered embryos were transferred into WP medium to establish seedlings .

  27. 适宜的成苗培养基琼脂浓度为1.2%。

    1.2 % agar of medium is the most suitable agar content for microspore embryo becoming shoots culture of Chinese Cabbage .

  28. 如果能将其他非线性系统模型转换成基于逼近基元的智能模型,同样能进行稳定性分析。

    If other nonlinear system model can be converted into this smart model , the system stability can also be judged .

  29. 文中对成层土地基及有抛石基床情况做了计算,并与常用计算公式的结果进行了比较。

    The calculations for layered soil foundations and enrockment foundation bed were done and compared with the results obtained by conventional calculation method .

  30. 3种鸢尾组织培养直接成苗培养基筛选两种不同培养基对体外培养脊髓神经元的影响

    Culture Medium Filtration for Culturing 3 Varieties of Iris germanica into Seedling by Tissue Directly Influence of two media on spinal neurons in vitro